Example sentences of "[noun prp] [noun] [verb] [pron] [be] n't " in BNC.

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1 When Mr Steen rang on Friday afternoon to say he was n't certain whether or not he was returning to London at the weekend , she had checked the petrol in the car in case he might want it .
2 In 1974 the Secretary of State , Mr Gordon Campbell , announced that after discussions with the Lord Advocate , he proposed to take no further action and a year later , after a change of government , his Labour successor Mr William Ross said he was n't going to act either .
3 She had a foal with us during the dreadful winter of 1947 , and her behaviour became even worse , so much so that our good neighbour Mr Britton said she was n't fit for a young woman like me to work with and insisted I borrow his horse Bobby , a very even-tempered animal .
4 Mrs Carson said there was n't room in the carriages .
5 Auntie Lou said it was n't far down the hill .
6 President Joaquin Moya said he was n't disappointed because the results only mirror the general state of the industry .
7 Tracey Thompson agrees there are n't many schools , especially girls schools which can boast two national chess champions .
8 Albert Fournier says she is n't too bad-looking . ’
9 Beneficial , not entered in the Derby because trainer Geoff Wragg felt he was n't good enough , is worth a wager in the King Edward VII Stakes .
10 Beneficial , not entered in the Derby because trainer Geoff Wragg felt he was n't good enough , is worth a wager in the King Edward VII Stakes .
11 Beneficial , not entered in the Derby because trainer Geoff Wragg felt he was n't good enough , is worth a wager in the King Edward VII Stakes .
12 Staff at his Glasgow office said he was n't there .
13 Doctor Rodier said you were n't to try too hard , just let it come by itself . ’
14 There wuz a bit of trouble outside the school gates when Sinead O'Connor said she was n't coming on the trip because she disapproved of buzzes and then she got on and took the best seat , ie the one at the back where me and Graham normally sit and smoke No6 .
15 Earlier a drugs worker had given evidence relating to general drugs policies but Sheriff Archibald Bell QC said it was n't the court 's job to listen to critisism of government agencies , local authorities or individuals who were n't represented .
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