Example sentences of "[noun pl] might be [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 On this theory some potencies would contain more shape-specific molecules than others and some would contain longer chain polymers than others , so some potencies might be expected to be more efficacious than others in treatment .
2 We were interested to examine the adhesive properties of E coli which we had isolated in studies of the flora closely associated with the rectal mucosa , a flora in which the expression of adhesins and other adhesion associated characteristics might be expected to be favoured or prerequisite , and to compare our results with those reported for faecal isolates .
3 Thus each group of accounts might be said to be objective but they are not comparable .
4 He 'd then possibly forgotten these dreams or fantasies and then when the stimulus of feeling something on the back of his neck happened to him whilst asleep , suddenly the fantasy came back , all as a piece as it were , and it occurred to me that your dream about driving off viaducts might be caused by being asleep , having one of these falling experiences , then relating it to previous thoughts you 'd had , you know on the freeway or something , oh my God , how awful it would be if I , if I drove off that bend below , do you know what I mean ?
5 A house which has been associated with such dramatic deeds might be expected to be broodingly sinister , but in fact Huntingtower is a delightful example of a castle which was progressively adapted to become a fine residence .
6 The contemporary barrow groups of such valley settlements might be expected to be sited on the hills , where they do indeed survive in large numbers .
7 But Mr. Munby so treated them because , in his submission , section 8 conferred complete autonomy on such minors , thus enabling them effectively to refuse medical treatment irrespective of how parental responsibilities might be sought to be exercised .
8 Erm the demonstration effect of failure should also be considered , that is if you fail once you 've undertaken an enterprise , this will affect your other policy objectives too , that is er you will be seen to be weak , your commitment to intervene on behalf of other allies might be seen to be , to have weakened er and , and generally you , you might have done your , your overall foreign policy stance er some , some considerable damage .
9 Although the students had few problems in discerning a variety of viable strategies for presenting new lexis in such a way that learners might be thought to be able to perceive its meaning without the intervention of English , the areas of structure and discourse proved less tractable .
10 The effect of this decision is to reverse the trend that was evident from the preceding cases in which there had been a gradual tendency to expand the range of third parties to whom accountants might be held to be liable as a result of errors in financial statements .
11 The general rule with regard to these provisions might be said to be that the settlor will not avoid tax on the income which arises from the capital which he has settled unless he and his wife are excluded from all possible benefit .
12 On the grounds of its ancient lineage and apparently perennial vigour , the ‘ grand survivor ’ of all general theories might be said to be elite theory .
13 Given also the evidence of the weak performance of younger students with more marginal traditional qualifications , it seems likely that if these students gained entry to higher education on the basis of non-traditional qualifications that their success rates might be expected to be more limited .
14 Palatine consider themselves to be good employers , though their attitudes and practices might be thought to be slightly old-fashioned and paternalistic in that there is no measure of staff performance or formal mechanisms or procedures for staff management .
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