Example sentences of "[noun pl] over the [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Benzie ( 1991 ) outlined a number of doubts over the general prospects for international bond issuance .
2 Given the comments above , we would have our doubts over the likely benefits for sectors that are heavily exposed to Europe .
3 May I wish my hon. and learned Friend well in getting proper safeguards over the vexed problem of undisclosed sites ?
4 She forced words over the hard hammering of her heart .
5 A hydraulic ram elevates the section of the launcher vehicle housing the four missiles to an angle of 450 ; the caps over the rear ends of the launch tubes fold down , so that the exhaust gases from the booster rockets can pass through ; and the crew can then press the fire button .
6 Men , dusty people and folk of diverse devices , people of business and of leisure , folk of the frontiers and foreign men … trackers of beasts and of seasons , breakers of camp in the little dawn wind , seekers of water and watercourses over the wrinkled rind of the world , O seekers , O finders of reasons to be up and be gone …
7 Many developing countries have seen big increases in their foreign reserves over the past couple of years .
8 Bassett adds : ‘ There have been opportunities over the past couple of years where clubs have shown an interest in me .
9 CAR firms including Ford , Vauxhall and Peugeot are having urgent talks with insurers over the soaring cost of premiums on many of their high performance models .
10 They found that cockroaches infected with Herpomyces and kept in close confinement inoculated one another with spores over the entire surface of their bodies , but only the spores adhering to the upper three-fourths of the antennae were able to germinate and grow .
11 Luke writes of the natural hesitancy of the Jewish believers over the unprecedented inclusion of Gentiles in the early church .
12 Some people smile when they go past and there 's this woman with a couple of kids over the other side from me , but most people just walk past like they ai n't interested .
13 In table 9.8 are shown some examples of the changes in unit costs which were used in the GRE formulae over the short period from 1983/4 to 1986/7 .
14 However , a major stumbling block remained in the form of a dispute between the Cambodian parties over the exact composition of a Supreme National Council ( SNC ) of prominent Cambodians .
15 Straining his ears over the slight sounds of their careful progress for any alien noises in the night , Grant found his thoughts increasingly filled with unsettling images of leaping dark shapes and gleaming fangs .
16 For many years there have been worries over the increasing monopolisation of British industry , as evidenced by increased levels of both aggregate and market concentration , and for which there is little doubt that merger activity has , at times , been a major causal factor ( see e.g. HMSO 1978 , Hughes 1989 ) .
17 The breakfast choice was just as Rune had described the previous evening , she discovered , running jaundiced eyes over the available spread before deciding to settle for orange juice , yoghurt and black coffee .
18 With the relaxed detachment of a man who has an implicit trust in his technology , Vologsky cast his eyes over the bewildering array of instruments which made up the control panel , taking note of the few facts he actually needed to know .
19 In its inception and philosophy the WTA embodied national anxieties over the future stability of Europe , stating in its objectives a commitment to the promotion of a lasting international peace through the ideals of the newly formed League of Nations .
20 First , Leconte demolished Sampras in straight sets before teaming with Guy Forget to administer defeat in the doubles over the American pairing of Ken Flach and Robert Seguso .
21 This will be allocated to periods over the primary period at a constant rate on the carrying amount , as required by paragraph 25 of the [ draft ] FRS .
22 Finance charges are allocated to accounting periods over the primary period of the lease and represent a constant proportion of the balance of capital payments outstanding .
23 Aenarion walked the last few leagues over the haunted plains on foot .
24 Having been on the receiving end of a whole host of visits over the past couple of years , we decided it was our turn to get out and about and took advantage of a kind offer by local brewers , of Abingdon , for a guided tour of the brewery .
25 In others , however , there can be tensions over the relative desirability of volunteers and professionals .
26 The table shows the steady progress we have made with tokamaks over the past quarter of a century .
27 At the same time he introduced progressive speed trials over the measured mile for all vessels built at the yard .
28 Disney is still arguing with several contractors over the final bill for the theme park .
29 We toasted the couple with champagne , sampled Jean-Paul 's cake ( not bad , considering how little time he had to make it ) and were allowed to throw confetti over the happy couple in their BBC function room — or was it really Grey Gables ?
30 ALASTAIR McHARG , the celebrated Scotland lock , capped 44 times from 1968 to 1979 , has been sounding off in all directions over the small number of his London Scots chosen for the coming Scottish tour of Australia .
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