Example sentences of "[noun pl] over the next four [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This can and must be done through the imposition , by the Secretary of State , of a statutory duty on MPAs to review such permissions over the next four years .
2 The US Administration 's Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) has appealed to industry to halve emissions of 17 toxic substances over the next four years — or face potentially costly controls imposed by government .
3 All Nora could say was that funds in all the banks were exhausted and their known outgoings over the next four weeks exceeded their best estimate of income three-fold .
4 Future payments totalling $18.5m will depend on average post-tax profits over the next four years .
5 However the Lyceum , unlike the King 's , depends on subsidy from the Scottish Arts Council which is planning to cut its funding in real terms over the next four years .
6 Intelsat plans to take the capacity as a stop-gap while it awaits delivery of 10 new birds over the next four years .
7 There were hard fights over the next four years which I do not resent .
8 One of the most important tasks for WACC 's Central Committee this year is to authorise proposals for a new study and action programme which would guide all WACC 's activities over the next four years and prepare the organisation for its second world congress in 1995 .
9 Sun Microsystems Inc had to do something to prove it 's muscling into retail like Hewlett-Packard Co so it went and sold Dunkin' Donuts $8m worth of IPC machines to network more than half its 1,600 franchise operations over the next four years .
10 Kicking him back to his feet , his nephew Stefan galvanises an urge in him to survive and thrive , the progress of which the play charts over the next four decades .
11 The Trust aims to complete work on all 125 miles of designated paths over the next four years .
12 Demonstrations by tens of thousands continued in Timisoara and other towns over the next four days .
13 Four races over the next four days — men 's and women 's giant and special slaloms — pick up where Australia and Argentina left off in August .
14 Four races over the next four days — men 's and women 's giant and special slaloms — pick up where Australia and Argentina left off in August .
15 Following the spate of job losses suffered by the manufacturing sector in October [ see p. 39159 ] , British Rail ( which was one of the government 's key candidates for privatization but which was suffering a massive decline in revenue as a result of the continuing recession ) announced on Nov. 19 that it was declaring 5,000 voluntary or compulsory redundancies over the next four months .
16 The one move that is seen as a means of significantly improving the picture is another sharp improvement in efficiency — but that means still more job cuts , and word is that the company is considering seeking another 70,000 voluntary redundancies over the next four years , brining its workforce down to just 100,000 by 1997 , compared with 240,000 in 1991 ; finding more volunteers should not be too hard — its last offer was massively oversubscribed , but ironically , many of those that depart will end up working for its incoming competitors .
17 As part of the technology initiative announced during a stop in California 's Silicon Valley , President Clinton also pledged billions of dollars in additional help to high-tech enterprises over the next four years to encourage new business initiatives .
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