Example sentences of "[noun pl] must be [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As far as the Channel Tunnel is concerned it has reluctantly accepted the need for on-train immigration checks but is still insisting that customs checks must be carried out at the terminals , against the advice of commercial interests who see such checks as detrimental to the ‘ user friendliness ’ of the Tunnel .
2 Proxy forms must be sent out to creditors and contributories with the notice summoning their meetings ( r 8.2(1) ) and no form of proxy can be used except the one sent out with the notice or a substantially similar one ( r 8.2(2) ) .
3 Proof of debt forms must be sent out by the official receiver or trustee to every creditor who is known to him or identified in the statement of affairs ( r 6.97 ) .
4 In particular those who deviate from society 's values must be brought back into line .
5 Environmental pollution through smoke , de-afforestation , the development of conurbations ( large built-up areas ) or the use of nuclear power and the disposal of its waste products must be weighed up by a country 's government ( and the world community ) against potential income growth .
6 Copies of the book will be required by all those connected with the survey and all copies must be kept up to date by the incorporation of any coding additions , new conventions and unresolved problems .
7 A number of accounts must be set up in this database .
8 All these activities must be carried out with complete security .
9 All PR activities must be carried out within the framework of an agreed and understood corporate personality .
10 If primaries are ruled out , lists must be drawn up by delegates of the parties , best chosen by a postal ballot and assembled as is the usual West German practice in a nominating convention .
11 In short , all existing and future minerals planning permissions must be brought up to the environmental standards expected today , and provision must be made for a regular upgrading of standards in the future .
12 In World of 1001 Mysteries ( Faber , £9.99 ) , Phusis , rather like Scheherazade , tells six stories to the Appeal Judge in a desperate attempt to save the Universe from destruction because it contravenes the Federations Rule that ‘ Universes must be kept up to date ’ .
13 As more JARs become part of harmonisation regulation we hope that this work and associated costs will diminish in the next year or so , and the cost of work on JARs must be set off against work not needed on BCARs .
14 Nuclear weapons must be kept up to date , and they must be serviced at intervals ; if that is not done , they become ineffective .
15 Yet Hitler himself referred to the S.A.S. as ‘ so-called commandos who are recruited in part from common criminals released from prison … captured S.A.S. troops must be handed over at once to the nearest Gestapo unit … these men are very dangerous , and the presence of S.A.S. troops must be immediately reported … they must be ruthlessly exterminated . ’
16 If the securities are to be listed in the member state where the issuer has its registered office , the listing particulars must be drawn up under the laws of , and approved by , the competent authority in that member state .
17 ‘ Given the present and foreseeable state of fishery resources in the Community and the degree to which fishing fleets have so far been restructured , the full-scale liberalisation of the activities of undertakings must be ruled out for the time being …
18 To do this , your pre-raised seedlings must be pricked out into 3in pots , roughly the shape and size of a bulb planter .
19 All CAB advice workers must be kept up to date in information and skills .
20 All faults must be written in to the book by the person making the report .
21 Libraries in general have an image of unparticularized worthiness and sobriety , and many young librarians have an admirable messianic zeal about them , a firm belief that what their library has is good for people and that membership lists and issue figures must be pushed up for their own sake .
22 You may keep travel and subsistence expenses paid during jury service , but as your normal salary will have been paid in your absence , any payments received for loss of earnings must be made over to the Company .
23 Then the development of broad-scale corporate dreams must be carried out by the board .
24 To be useful , crime rates must be broken down into specific categories of offences .
25 To reproduce the slurring of the chords on to the octave D on the 3rd beat of each bar a pianistic effect — the chords must be tied over to a quaver on the 3rd beat , the bassoons , tuba , double bass ( pizz. ) , timpani , and bass drum supplying the octave Ds .
26 I set the punchcard on lock and proceed as usual , select a group of needles to be used as the motif and push all others back to WP ( needles must be pushed back on every row ) .
27 If provision is to be made ( Clause 20.02.5 ) for retentions from the amount due on account of tax liabilities or compensation for damage caused to the firm by the outgoing partner ( a somewhat controversial matter , but one which might be considered , for example , in relation to increased indemnity insurance premiums becoming payable by the continuing partners as a result of the negligence of the outgoing partner ) the terms must be set out with clarity .
28 To achieve that , different sets of genes must be shut off in different cells , and shut off heritably — so that , for example , a dividing liver cell produces another liver cell and a dividing skin cell another skin cell , despite having all the genes at its disposal to produce any kind of cell it fancies .
29 To impose the condition that disabled parking spaces must be taken up before 10.30am will render it impossible for many , many of them to take advantage of this ‘ concession . ’
30 Poorly ventilated and stagnant spaces must be opened up to a constant current of air by the introduction of new ventilation openings as even a vigorous attack of dry rot can be arrested ( but not reduced ) by exposure to fresh air .
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