Example sentences of "[noun pl] should [adv] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The employees ' contracts should clearly state the length of the assignment for which they have been engaged together with details of procedures for termination of employment — both on behalf of the employer and the employee .
2 The constraints imposed by the language on possible sound patterns should significantly reduce the number of word candidates .
3 Minimum reporting standards require that valuation reports to be issued to clients or to the relevant authorities should normally take the form of a letter which would contain the following :
4 And the first one is , press releases should actually grab the imagination of the person to whom it 's addressed .
5 Development plan policies should also encourage the reuse of derelict buildings .
6 Teacher education methods tutors in all subjects should explicitly address the issue of language as a medium of learning .
7 Individuals should also have the right to choose their own time of retirement .
8 Research over the next 10 years should greatly clarify the issue .
9 Disturbed behaviour in sleep and rage attacks should also raise the possibility of epilepsy .
10 Future studies should perhaps investigate the effect of increased doses of oestrogen and the value of transdermal administration .
11 The idea that stories should always show the ideal would soon , one feels , convince young readers that literature is not about life , or about any life the reader knows .
12 Indeed , his insistence that punishments should only reflect the harm done to society and have nothing to do with subjective intent would seem to imply that the accident-prone should be treated the same as those who cause harm by design !
13 Auditors should also consider the possibility of fraud and other irregularities and their effect on the truth and fairness of the view given in the financial statements .
14 The next lesson is recorded over the one before — and teachers should always have the security of knowing that a recording will be erased if they request it .
15 Yet despite Christie 's absence , at least the men 's 60 metres should still provide the highlight of the two-day meeting , with young Jason Livingston out to prove he could be the man to spoil the Olympic silver medallist 's last year in international competition .
16 In AD 531 it was ruled that any words , direct or precatory , would suffice for a bequest ; that legacies should also have the nature of trusts and vice versa ; and that each disposition was also the other .
17 In particular , will he urge that the Indonesians should immediately abandon the trial of the two East Timorese survivors and press for a full United Nations investigation ?
18 Values below 10Ω are also restricted , but scaling results should hardly tax the brain — even brains without co-processors .
19 All Church assemblies should perhaps have the motto , ‘ Behold I stand at the door and knock ’ inscribed above the door to remind them that the Church exists for outsiders not insiders .
20 Sleeves should always hit the bone of the wrist like this . ’
21 These findings should greatly facilitate the identification of DNA-PK recognition sites on other proteins .
22 The court 's order , signed 12 December 1990 , showed that , after the 27 July conference , the government had approached Chief Judge Platt privately to suggest that , rather than produce the documents he had specified , its agents should simply brief the court on certain matters connected with the bombing .
23 If the changes in connectivity which form the memory are localized to a particular small set of cells and their connections within the brain , rather than being widely diffused , then removal of the set of cells should also remove the memory — or prevent it from being formed .
24 Piling up the miles should never interest the coach at this level .
25 These depths should also prevent the pond from freezing solid in a cold winter , which would kill any fish .
26 Notes of the contents of meetings and conferences should also indicate the time spent and include any unusual feature which could affect mark-up .
27 Open fires should always have the chimney regularly swept , otherwise the build up of soot can start a chimney fire .
28 The punishment for grave crimes should adequately reflect the revulsion felt by the great majority of citizens for them .
29 When this is run the servos should faithfully follow the input commands .
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