Example sentences of "[noun pl] may [adv] [verb] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This postulates that , although some groups may not have much money in relative terms , they will spend more in defined sectors .
2 These words may simply add more information to what has already been said ( and , furthermore , add to that ) or elaborate or exemplify it ( for instance , thus , in other words ) .
3 Sex education in schools may therefore have most impact if it aims to discourage helpless attitudes , by emphasising to young people that they are in control of their own lives , encouraging them to see themselves as active rather than passive , and in discussing what they might do in the event of an unwanted pregnancy .
4 Certainly other candidates may also induce such reactivities .
5 Furthermore , as discussed above , basic residues in close proximity to Ser-Gln sequences may sometimes render these sites inaccessible to the DNA-PK .
6 The advent of more examples of non-medical clinical directors may well reduce this concern , as will the development of specific service contracts where each group will have committed to buying or providing an agreed package of care and support .
7 Women who have only worked for part of their adult lives may not have enough contributions to get a full basic pension on their own record .
8 Parents may also need some advice and discussion about the types of high-calorie food that are important for weight gain and growth .
9 As this shows , local authorities provide services in five major fields , although with many of them ( such as education , housing , social services ) other agencies such as government departments , ad hoc authorities and voluntary associations may also play some part in implementation .
10 Encouraging men to associate babies with bills may not have much impact on single parenthood .
11 Critics have argued that no evidence exists that Jarman 's weighted factors actually create extra workload ; indeed , some state that doctors in high scoring areas may actually work fewer hours .
12 Preconceptions about and attitudes towards counsellors/social workers can , however , limit the use of this counselling , and adoptees may also receive little support from immediate family , such as a spouse who may fail to appreciate the need to ‘ know ’ about an individual 's background .
13 The best examples are made from pure pork , but cheaper varieties may also contain some beef .
14 Organisations may also reclaim any monies given but not spent by relocated employees .
15 Making predictions about the effects of new stressors is particularly difficult given that combinations of stressors may actually counteract each other rather than being additive in their effects ( Hockey , 1984 ) .
16 The failings may also justify some simplification , if only to allow greater resources to be devoted to the most important indicators .
17 WAITING at tables may not seem much fun to most people but in Hollywood anything goes , says 24-year-old head waiter Richard Partington .
18 Customers may also view this lack of permanent presence as a lack of definite commitment to the market .
19 Senior officers may also impose such conditions as a change of route or starting time in the interests of public order .
20 c ) Staff or families of members of the Royal Forest of Dean Tourist Association and staff of the Forest of Dean Tourist Information Centres may not enter this competition .
21 Wandering scholars or rootless intellectuals may not take such things very seriously .
22 More sober assessments may well modify this view , but the nature of trade unionism and its part in industrial relations remains central to the analysis .
23 Group members may well help each other by pointing out to another where and what a problem might be .
24 They may despise the lower strata whose members may well find such behaviour offensive .
25 Memes and genes may often reinforce each other , but they sometimes come into opposition .
26 Female-identified procedures may even strengthen such demand characteristics , since they are more likely to involve the intense demands of a social encounter .
27 Prostatitis is one of the very few conditions for which doctors may sometimes recommend more sex .
28 Mothers may vehemently oppose this view and say that their child is clean at age 1 year but usually they mean that their child has regular bowel habits .
29 Teachers who have themselves learnt English as a foreign language may cast their minds back to an earlier stage in their own development ; experience of learning other languages may also provide some help .
30 The results may also shed some light on the troublesome issue of whether advertising by incumbent firms constitutes a barrier which potential entrants must overcome .
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