Example sentences of "[noun pl] when [pers pn] be [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But wh what about scientific metho methods when they are studying sociology , the second part of that question .
2 Tears burst from his eyes when we were leaving South American soil and stepping aboard the cargo ship that would deliver us in Panama .
3 Where which probably the parents when I was doing midwifery would have said the same thing but there was nothing they could do about it .
4 We see this underfunding of eventide care as limiting the choice available to people who have come to that point in their lives when they 're making decisions about the sort of care that they will next require .
5 Our guarantee will not apply to certain exceptional circumstances when we are prevented form meeting our specified standards by events beyond our control .
6 Well I think I had more problems when I was making films as a pop singer , because I was still pop singing as well and it was difficult to disassociate the two .
7 We have been asked over the years to vote for a freeze on medical school places when juniors were unemployed , for more manpower when they were overworked , and for more consultants when they were having problems with their careers .
8 I pay attention to their excuses when they 're playing golf or fishing .
9 And nobody knew anything about spores or farmer 's lung or an Everybody are very conscious and they wear masks when they 're feeding hay now .
10 and advice should be sought by creative arts teachers when they are preparing programmes from special needs , special interest multi-school or multi-ethnic organisations other departments and from parents with special experience , knowledge and skills .
11 He or she must try to occupy one of the positions of the other players when they are changing places which they must constantly do ; any player who has been so displaced must then go into the middle and try to recapture one of the positions .
12 Perhaps more serious is the lesson to be learned from people 's answers when they were considering loan options where APR was lowest for the longest repayment periods ( as in the second table , on p. 63 ) .
13 That 's his frustrations when you 're having problems but er it looks as though he 's got to come off Rozario .
14 We needed this treasure to exchange against cloth and cattle and spices — and as ransom to exchange against our men when they were taken prisoner in war .
15 It 's the kind of thinking you want to completely dominate your activities when you 're writing exam answers , okay ?
16 I mean if we look at erm the large number of single parent families , mainly who are headed by women , the position of Social Security for these women has deteriorated in the last few years erm both in terms of the real value of the money received ; Child Benefit has been frozen for the last three or four years ; regulations such as you used to be able to offset your child care expenses when you were claiming income support have been changed , women can no longer can now only earn erm fifteen pounds a week of they 're a single parent and they can not offset their child care costs .
17 There were occasions when we were watching TV or just eating when waves of regret rippled across his face .
18 On the rare occasions when they were doing work comparable to men 's , women were regularly paid less .
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