Example sentences of "[noun pl] could be [vb pp] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A threshold could then be determined beyond which certain combinations could be deemed too infrequent to be worthy of inclusion within the dictionary .
2 Now , the number of quiffs raised is not an indication of how well that job went through the companies or erm , because quiffs could be raised quite minor things like one person forgetting to put something on a form or a form not being photocopied , or procedure changes or others
3 Some 20 years ago , the Americans became aware of the fact that poisonous vehicle emissions could be rendered virtually harmless by attaching a contraption known as a catalytic converter to the exhaust .
4 Under the legislation , managers of catering establishments could be held personally responsible for each breach of the regulation and each penalty could mean fines of between £2,000 and £20,000 .
5 At the slightest sign of originality in approach or technique a director might well be regarded as a menace and any departure from the hoary formula adhered to by the executives could be considered highly presumptuous .
6 However , these fictional characters could be given quite different valuations in the classroom .
7 In seeking ways in which planning procedures could be made more efficient , the committee noted that ‘ not all authorities are operating as efficiently as they might ’ and the greatest scope for improvement lay in assisting all authorities to reach the standard set by the best .
8 The evidence suggests that they have ‘ clamoured for more staff and for improved premises , ’ but the family health services authority has not had the resources to support this , nor were suitable vacant sites in which premises could be developed easily available in inner London .
9 There 's a lovely great open space , where it used to be all wood , which if you had plenty of money and could have enough gardeners could be made very exciting . ’
10 Finally , services could be rendered more attractive to users .
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