Example sentences of "[noun pl] so that [pers pn] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , one is struck by the importance of such factors as : vocal quality — this is Billie Holiday and could not be anyone else ; phrasing — that is , the way she places accents , alters the rhythm , often by stretching out notes so that they sound behind the beat instead of on it , and joins notes together , for example smoothly or with attacked consonants ; and pitch inflection — the way she sometimes slides up to or away from notes , hits them slightly ‘ off-pitch ’ , and so on .
2 We shall begin our investigation of how causative verbs interact with the infinitive in English by looking at the contrast between make and cause because , although these two verbs seem quite similar in meaning , they are not followed by the same form of the infinitive : ( 134 ) While most enzymes can not make a reaction occur that would not take place in their absence , they speed up reactions so that they occur at the temperatures and other conditions which prevail within living organisms .
3 Here I want to vary the times so that I hear from a true cross-section of our listeners , and those who listen to the graveyard shift , for instance , probably never hear the breakfast show .
4 People can write words so that they look like other words , or do n't look like any word at all , so the correct word can only be found from the surrounding words in context .
5 If we are to move towards transforming schools so that they deliver to young people a more appropriate and empowering kind of education than many of them currently receive , and if , as I have argued , this must happen with the committed participation of substantial numbers of teachers , then it follows that the promotion of integrity and self-respect amongst teachers is the most urgent challenge that education currently faces .
6 reverse the roles so that you start with Bill 's part and the language helper says John 's part .
7 There are lots of boys running a portable shoe-cleaning business in their summer holidays in the park , and about five of them besieged me , tried out their broken English , and shone my 18-year-old Hungarian sandals so that they look like new .
8 We can not close our eyes to the fact that if the arguments advanced on behalf of the appellant in relation to this ground of appeal are soundly based , then there is , not a small lacuna , but a yawning gap in the protection for the public afforded by section 16 of the Act of 1968 through which a large number of dishonest persons can — by arranging matters so that they come within the definition of ‘ self-employed ’ — escape conviction and punishment for the kind of deceitful conduct of which the jury , by their verdicts in the instant case , found this appellant to be guilty .
9 TDC 's managers have tried to establish good relations with universities so that they hear about promising developments in time to support them with cash .
10 This might happen for some clumps of primordial germ cells are known to form intercellular bridges so that they exist as a syncytium ( fused cells , sharing several nuclei ) .
11 There is always the tendency , therefore , to adjust ideas so that they conform to what is conventional and customary .
12 Yeah , and what did you get you see , you get mutations going on in plants so that you get at the moment when the plants themselves are altered , it does n't necessary , necessary mean that they 're killed off , it does n't necessary mean that they are killed off , it means that the actual genes alter , that they go on breathing so you get ginormous sort of cabbages , you know , cabbages that 'll normally be about that size , suddenly become that size
13 These are groups which share a particular life-style , language , and assumptions so that they feel at home with one another .
14 ‘ Oh , no , señor — we bring plenty of moss from the hills and cover all the pots so that they appear to be part of the tree .
15 All flies possess these little structures but they are particularly noticeable in the crane flies , the daddy-long-legs , in which the knobs are placed on the ends of stalks so that they look like the heads of drumsticks .
16 They show the possibility of identifying themes vital to national development like ‘ saving our soil ’ , ‘ clean water ’ or ‘ feeding ourselves ’ ; of designing carefully selected units of material to cover perhaps two weeks ' learning with teachers trained to handle them ; of arranging the school programmes of studies so that they allow in every term , a period , two weeks or so , available for such common projects .
17 Modify the relations so that they conform to the rules of normalisation .
18 In AMS the charged particles are subjected to large voltage differences so that they travel at very high speeds .
19 This can be formalized into a rule when dealing with contingency data : Construct the proportions so that they sum to one within the categories of the explanatory variable .
20 She achieves birth , instead , by bracing her body against the ground with her forelegs and then inflating her lungs so that they swell into her abdomen and squeeze the young out by pneumatic pressure .
21 Defoe met a female lead washer in about 1720 , but as the century progressed they seem to have been steadily replaced by boys so that they disappear from the employment records by 1800 .
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