Example sentences of "[noun pl] can not be [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 From this point of view , societal characteristics can not be explained as the product of actors ' choices , since these choices are themselves the product of socialisation .
2 Even Adomnán 's reference to ‘ strangers ’ holding sway among the Dalriadic Scots can not be construed as a reference to the agents of King Oswiu ( or Ecgfrith ) because these strangers are represented as oppressing Dál Riata from c .
3 On the contrary , evidence indicates that disease specific survival rates quoted in uncontrolled trials can not be interpreted as evidence of therapeutic benefit .
4 The space-time co-ordinates can not be regarded as simple unstructured cues to interpretation in context .
5 Furthermore , although ‘ planned ’ convergence arising out of favourable political conditions in individual countries can not be excluded as a possibility , the economic costs inherent in any such operation are likely to be increased considerably in Latin America because of the formidable physical barriers to communications and trade with the Soviet Union .
6 Warnings of eco-wars and the flight of hundreds of millions of refugees can not be dismissed as fantasies : they are probabilities in situations which become more and more apparent as the century nears its end .
7 However , the continuation of a tradition of appointed local boards can not be taken as a vote of confidence in their predecessors .
8 Construction questions can not be used as material for challenge to the determination after it has been made unless the expert has addressed the " wrong question " : see Nikko Hotels ( UK ) Ltd v MEPC plc [ 1991 ] 28 EG 86 , discussed at 13.6.8 .
9 Each of these has changed substantially in the post-war period , but the central argument of this chapter is that such changes can not be seen as the result only of changes within the UK .
10 He argues that dreams can not be regarded as a neurotic symptom if everyone dreams — unless everyone is neurotic .
11 Hence the normality of 42 when the dogs referred to are of opposite sexes can not be used as evidence against the existence of two senses of dog , since it can be fully accounted for by claiming that only the general sense is operative .
12 It was therefore apparent that the specific practice of lawyers can not be theorised as social control .
13 Two victories in eight matches can not be construed as a success , even by the wildest stretch of the imagination , but there was some good news as well .
14 However , description is not a privileged area of objective study , and the presentation of socio-cultural conditions of other societies can not be viewed as a final explanation of other institutions and values , but must be thought of as part of the observer 's reconstruction of their own understanding of the institutions and values .
15 As professionals , committed to securing solutions to their clients ' briefs and aware of their social and environmental responsibilities , landscape architects can not be caricatured as a collection of irresponsible businessmen , intent on driving up clients ' budgets to serve their own greedy ends .
16 The range of quality from very good to squalid is of significance , because at one end of the range many authorities view mobile homes as being more or less equivalent to permanent dwellings , while some of the poorer , less well serviced , caravans can not be regarded as permanent homes .
17 Conclusive evidence that the bare and to infinitives can not be treated as meaningless variants is provided however by Jespersen 's observation that there are some cases where both forms can occur in the same context .
18 These phenomena can not be used as a warning of incipient fracture because , to observe the effects , it is necessary to cut thin sections of the stressed part and to look at it in an optical microscope .
19 Keywords can not be used as part of the user-supplied information ( e.g. within COMMENT fields ) .
20 One view is that successor States can not be regarded as third parties because of the continuing link between their territory and the treaty .
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