Example sentences of "[noun pl] can not be [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 But although the attitudinist agrees with the intuitionist that the meaning of ethical words can not be exhaustively analysed in naturalistic or metaphysical terms he takes a more positive view of the kinds of definition which Moore was so concerned to refute , for he sees them as examples of a particular type of definition , which has a legitimate place in discourse .
2 Yet , a full picture of Arab political humour truly reflecting the psychology , thought and politics of the Arab peoples can not be adequately drawn without covering the entire span of Arab history , at least from the rise of Islam .
3 Since speakers ' intuitions can not be easily accessed to define the membership of sets such as these ( see further 8.2.1 ) it is difficult to see what alternative procedure might have been adopted .
4 Ball and Halwachi ( 1987 ) have recently argued that performance indicators can not be effectively employed within British higher education because of the absence of clearly specified institutional goals .
5 Also , it is more than likely the case , however , that how a society designs manners for close personal and social relationships can not be totally separated from its understanding of the ‘ proper ’ treatment of its enemies .
6 Another problem is that each IR or Raman band of each compound has its own characteristic intensity ; concentrations of different compounds can not be directly compared by a simple comparison of relative intensities of bands in a mixture .
7 It is nearly always separate from the main store of the computer , since it is faster and more expensive , and is normally read-only , so that the microprograms can not be inadvertently altered .
8 Using this notation , the components of the Weyl tensor are given by the expressions ( 10.4 ) It can thus be seen that , although ( 10.2 ) is linear so that different solutions for V can be superposed , the associated gravitational waves can not be simply superposed .
9 Our environmental goals can not be successfully achieved unless action is taken across the Community .
10 In order to regulate this market to prevent domination and exploitation , the terms of contractual obligations can not be freely chosen by the parties but are shaped by a concern for trust , solidarity and fairness .
11 The speaking voices or personae who function as the subjects of the fictional enunciations can not be straightforwardly identified with real-life authors but are essentially poetic constructs , resulting from the interpretative engagement of the reader with the language of the text ( Herman 1989 ) .
12 But the disorders can not be fully understood unless they are seen in the context of complex political , social and economic factors which together create a predisposition towards violent protest ’ ( para. 8.7 ) .
13 Although the expression level in the transgenic mice can not be strictly quantitated as a function of copy number , the average expression per copy of the transgene is higher with the -300bp promoter than with the -2300bp promoter .
14 It will fail to perform its function of maintaining a stable society if people 's expectations can not be reasonably guaranteed for some time to come .
15 But I also acknowledge that such exceptions can not be realistically incorporated into the application of such rules .
16 A child becomes thereby ‘ a child in trust ’ : parental responsibilities can not be easily extinguished or ‘ assumed ’ ( local authority powers in this respect are abolished ) : only through their legal transfer to others , by means of adoption , can they be snuffed out .
17 Many particulars can not be demonstratively identified in any case .
18 In Britain , most sewage sludge comes from cities and is contaminated with industrial waste from which toxic metals can not be economically removed .
19 Therefore the observed O 3 changes can not be entirely attributed to the Mount Pinatubo eruption .
20 Surely , it will be said , it is necessary to draw a distinction between predicates which within a given context at a given time can be appropriately ascribed to a given existent , and those predicates which under the same conditions can not be meaningfully said that either they or their contradictories are true of the existent in question .
21 Not all problems are routine or predictable ; especially in crises , problems can not be routinely factored .
22 The degree of discrimination against disabled people working in the health and caring professions can not be fully answered by this research .
23 The exercise of these powers can not be successfully challenged in the courts unless it can be shown that the Home Secretary has acted unreasonably or perversely .
24 We would like to advise readers that certain items of radio transmitting and telephone equipment which may be advertised in our pages can not be legally used in the U.K. Readers should check the law before using any transmitting or telephone equipment as a fine , confiscation of equipment and/or imprisonment can result from illegal use .
25 We would like to advise readers that certain items of radio transmitting and telephone equipment which may be advertised in our pages can not be legally used in the U.K. Readers should check the law before using any transmitting or telephone equipment as a fine , confiscation of equipment and/or imprisonment can result from illegal use .
26 The effects of this pressure have emerged in at least one Modular Course evaluation study ( see Table 6.2 , Modular Course Management Structures ) , and a determined attempt has been made to configure the management system in such a way that Field Chairs participate in all Course development decisions , so that special needs are recognized and special difficulties can not be easily ignored .
27 Although the recent exodus has acted as a temporary safety valve , there is evidence that the more politically minded opponents of the present regime have stayed behind , knowing that reforms can not be indefinitely postponed .
28 If the actions can not be independently observed at all though , this might force the optimal contract to contain some element based on general risk , in order to provide incentives to efficiency .
29 Hence , two things can not be causally related as wholes if ( ii ) a part of one is such that the part shares all truths with the other whole individual .
30 In other words , any increases or decreases can not be solely attributed to the effects of economic integration .
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