Example sentences of "[noun pl] can [adv] be [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 The parson 's words can surely be read as an indictment of women 's education which , though it improved through the period , generally failed to realize the intellectual potential of women .
2 Such units can either be used as measures , relative to some fixed point of interest ( including , crucially , the deictic centre ) , or they can be used calendrically to locate events in " absolute " time relative to some absolute origo , or at least to some part of each natural cycle designated as the beginning of that cycle ( Fillmore , 1975 ) .
3 Binary signals can only be transmitted as the equivalent to ‘ on-off ’ , ‘ yes-no ’ and ‘ 0–1 ’ , for example .
4 The pictures can then be made as a set right from the beginning , rather than just hanging together three or four pictures that you have already made , in the hope that they will be complementary .
5 Here , the main issue arising is that , following Bott ( 1971 ) , strong network ties can also be seen as norm-enforcement mechanisms .
6 CPRW is firmly of the view that consent for the Meadow House application will send a clear signal to caravan site owners and developers everywhere that existing caravan sites can now be seen as the acceptable location for entirely new villages , however inappropriate their location , design or scale .
7 ABOVE Tombstones and other carved monuments such as these remains of early Christian crosses can also be treated as finds even if they are still in their original positions .
8 The commercial 360 , 370 , 570 , 970B and 980B models can also be configured as technical systems .
9 If , for example , a man threatens to kill a third party who is a complete stranger to the complainant , her submission to sexual intercourse in these circumstances can hardly be regarded as true consent .
10 Despite the crises of the period 1945–50 , these years can also be seen as ones of great opportunity .
11 All statements can also be used as direct commands .
12 It has been rightly said that these remarkable statements can only be seen as Hitler 's wish to make manifest his work in the eyes of history .
13 Despite her declaration of a state of emergency yesterday and the government 's announcement early today that the rebels had agreed to return to their barracks , the events of the last six days can only be seen as a colossal confession of weakness on Mrs Aquino 's part .
14 Besides , swimming-trunks can always be used as reserve underpants .
15 Her ideas can fairly be described as the intersection of personal and group fantasies .
16 In any event the abolition of the GLC and MCCs and the distribution of their major services to special purpose authorities and joint boards can only be interpreted as a weakening of the role of local government .
17 This means that the relation of ideas and practical problems can only be understood as part of the process of history .
18 I have come to the conclusion that the important points here are that ( i ) since there was no danger at this time in registering a protest , ( ii ) the final payments were made without any qualification , and ( iii ) were followed by a delay until July 31 , 1975 , before the owners put forward their claim , the correct inference to draw , taking an objective view of the facts , is that the action and inaction of the owners can only be regarded as an affirmation of the variation in June , 1973 , of the terms of the original contract by the agreement to pay the additional 10 per cent .
19 Although in a world under divine guidance their actions can be said to actualize the Lord 's will , these actions can also be seen as the expression of women 's resentment and rebellion .
20 Bark chippings can also be used as a mowing strip against the wall .
21 Answers can only be supplied as a matter of political morality and in terms of the values which the judges accept as fundamental to our constitutional order .
22 Lawyers can thus be characterised as conceptive ideologists .
23 Long linear field banks or persistent field boundaries can often be suggested as something more than just divisions in the fields .
24 These results can also be expressed as the risk reduction ( polychemotherapy compared with supportive care ) , which was found to be 0.65 at 3 , 0.73 at 6 , 0.86 at 9 , 0.91 at 12 , and 0.96 at 18 months .
25 While most students not in receipt of a job offer were making applications and attending interviews at the time they completed the Initial destinations questionnaires , the fact that one third of students would be looking for employment at the end of the courses can only be regarded as a disappointing , and rather unexpected , finding .
26 Note that modules can only be offlined as part of a package ; they can not be offlined individually .
27 This part of continental-margin orogens can therefore be viewed as a kind of subduction zone , albeit one that involves orders of magnitude less convergence that oceanic trench subduction zones .
28 The drawings can then be used as the starting point for the children to test their ideas .
29 The retinues of other northern lords can also be seen as components of the ducal connection .
30 The retinues of other northern lords can also be seen as components of the ducal connection .
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