Example sentences of "[noun pl] has [been] [vb pp] to be " in BNC.

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1 The multiplication of agencies as a means to greater bureaucratic efficiency may be objected to on the grounds that one of the major obstacles to the successful implementation of government programmes has been found to be the existence of numerous competing administrative bodies which so many programmes seem to involve because of overlapping policy fields and jurisdictions ( Gunn 1978 ) .
2 Most significantly , the structure of many rifts examined by seismic methods has been shown to be asymmetric with most of the downthrow occurring along a major boundary listric fault on one side of the rift .
3 And finally , a lack of interest in and control over their children on the part of parents has been argued to be a vulnerability factor for these children in adult depression ( see chapter 4 ) .
4 Against this evidence certain points must be made ; no trial of antiarrhythmic agents in patients with increased ventricular ectopic counts has been shown to be beneficial ; in the case of the Cardiac Arrhythmia ( CAST ) trial it has proven detrimental .
5 In a typically grandiose gesture , CEGB chairman Sir Walter Marshall said on television that if the inquiry rejected the board 's case on safety grounds , he would resign ‘ because it meant that the technical advice I have given to government in past years has been proved to be incorrect ’ .
6 The creatine kinase increase in all nine infants has been shown to be due to the muscle isoenzyme .
7 For example , brief counselling by general practitioners has been shown to be as effective as benzodioazepine tranquillizers for patients with minor affective disorders of recent onset ( Catalan et al. 1984b ) .
8 A major contributory cause of many recent accidents has been shown to be management failure ( see Appendix 3 ) .
9 THE most Anglo-Saxon of games has been found to be compromising with apartheid .
10 THE most Anglo-Saxon of games has been found to be compromising with apartheid .
11 This may be important as weight loss with accompanying reduction of blood pressure in obese non-diabetic hypertensives has been shown to be accompanied by reduced levels of plasma renin activity and aldosterone ( Tuck et al , 1981 ) .
12 The prevalence rate of hypercholesterolaemia in diabetics has been reported to be similar to the non-diabetic population , that is from 8 per cent to as high as 52 per cent ( Hayes , 1972 ) .
13 The use of syntactic information as an aid for text recognition systems has been shown to be both feasible and useful .
14 However , this long term toxicity of alkylating agents has been shown to be related to the intensity of therapy given and is very unlikely to occur with the low dose needed to treat our patients .
15 Inter-site variation in laser Doppler flow measurements has been shown to be partly related to the small dimensions of the measurement volume , which make the results highly sensitive to local non-uniformity of microvascular perfusion .
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