Example sentences of "[noun pl] would have be [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 At least three of these cars would have been useful to Leeds , when the remainder were sold to them , if only as a source of spare parts .
2 If the plaintiffs ' allegations are proved , the defendants would have been liable to them in negligence before the passing of the Congenital Disabilities ( Civil Liability ) Act 1976 .
3 Perhaps one is being a little punctilious , but some clarification of these , and other , matters would have been helpful to the novice .
4 Loyal Norling praised the refereeing of the games ; but from where I was sitting in most of the games an unfit Norling with his flair and two good touch judges would have been preferable to most of the referees I saw .
5 Most of these errors would have been fatal to the survival of the organism or its ability to reproduce .
6 Whether such changes would have been acceptable to Contact users is open to speculation since social interaction and individual autonomy were the group 's main attractions .
7 High water tables would have been conducive to hot springs at elevated locations , without requiring changes in the intensity of heat sources .
8 Thus the finding of a series of coins terminating in about 150 BC could not be used as evidence that the occupation of a site ceased in about that year , for even if occupation had continued for another hundred years , no other coins would have been available to be used and lost .
9 Whether that contract or those contracts consisted of a time charter , a voyage charter or one or more bills of lading contracts or some or all of such contracts would have been immaterial to the defendants .
10 On the contrary , law-giving was an important part of Christian kingship , and there are consequently good reasons for thinking that some aspects of Wulfstan 's activities would have been welcome to him , for he was certainly concerned to appear the Christian king ( see Chapter 4 ) .
11 Those rare , brightly-coloured butterflies would have been conspicuous to predators , and therefore eaten .
12 Hence the strategy of the working class is worked out in terms of the opportunities open to it in a particular situation — or rather in terms of the opportunities that Poulantzas claims would have been open to it had the class itself been quite different .
13 A comparable reaction to the sadistic tyranny of the primal fathers would have been natural to the sons .
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