Example sentences of "[noun pl] have just be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thanks have just been received in the Office from Janice Glen for the lovely flowers and card she received on her birthday .
2 My Lords , I can give My Noble Friend an assurance that Christianity as the main traditional religious tradition of this country will be taught at every key stage , both key stages er at key stages , one , two , three and four and that er knowledge of other religious is also a requirement , but I can also say to My Noble Friend that model syllabuses have just been released for consultation and there is a real concern which I share with My Noble Friend that young children at the ages between five and eleven are required to cover too many religions and that 's a question that will be covered during the consultation period .
3 First orders have just been completed for Air New Zealand .
4 A recent survey of 50 management experts who 's conclusions have just been published in a new Women in Management report .
5 A pair of French burr stones have just been removed from the mill , as well as the bedstone of the other pair .
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