Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As a result of good product design , developments in colour printing , trading up , increased marketing by museums and galleries and perhaps above all the ‘ image ’ culture promulgated by television and the media more generally , calendars have come out of the office and potting shed and into prime sites in the home — and they need to be replaced every year .
2 The eight to 10 weeks after schools have broken up for the summer are the peak period for tour operators , and it is only around mid-September that they can judge how successful they have been .
3 Over the past decade , lasers able to generate ultra-short pulses have moved out of the laser physicist 's laboratory and onto the chemist 's bench .
4 According to CUP , the trade in the UK and Ireland has been ‘ magnificently supportive ’ , with almost 200 window displays of the Oxford Cambridge Book Race design , and entries have flooded in for the competition to win a holiday in Pompeii .
5 The strong tactics have paid off in the case of the prison officers , who went back to work last week , but there is increasing concern on how to deal with the tax collectors .
6 As a rough guide two strands wound together make something approximately like three-ply in thickness and three together are usually reckoned to be about a four-ply. these fine industrial yarns used to be in the ‘ odds and ends ’ bins , but the manufacturers have caught on to the fact that they are popular with machine knitters , so now they can be bought under a brand name .
7 It must be the first time ever in the Five Nations Championship that two referees have dropped out of the opening games , with England 's Ed Morrison missing the Ireland v Wales game through a rib injury , and Yours Truly having to watch the England v Ireland game on television through a ‘ flu virus .
8 I was very pleased with the finished result , but I must confess , after wearing it several times , a few of the cut floats have worked through to the front .
9 Resident outside the airfield 's motel for nearly 30 years , it was beginning to look very much the worse for wear and , as other Ouragons have given in to the ravages of time , attract the nearest of museums .
10 Up to 20 of the bogus MOT certificates have turned up across the province in the last year , prompting a major investigation by detectives .
11 What 's happened is , of course , that as the costs have fallen and the micros have come in through the door so they 're very much smaller , erm it all becomes possible for the whole of society and not for a tiny elite .
12 The Boomtown Rats have exploded out of the country , but there is little lingering after-effect .
13 I like the way the lambs have settled down in the field have n't they ?
14 Aga-sagas have taken over from the steamy sex bonkbusters of the Eighties .
15 Scores of multinational companies have set up in the industrial parks on either side of the giant bridge that links Penang island to the mainland .
16 Most of the Arabs have stayed out of the fratricidal wars of the victorious Afghan factions in Kabul .
17 And the effects have rippled down through the years into just about every local music scene in America , from the blues players to the hillbillies up in the mountains . ’
18 Yesterday 's valedictory speech by Lord Donaldson was the first time that judges have spoken out about the treatment of Lord Lane at the hands of the media after a series of controversial court decisions .
19 Some churchmen have gone along with the new permissiveness by conceding that as long as two people love each other that is all that really matters .
20 Fortunately for this particular hippy , she picked a merchant with a well-earned reputation for consistently high quality , because since the early Seventies a bewildering number of organisations have sprung up with the intention of guaranteeing a wine 's organic credentials .
21 These advances have grown out of the ‘ natural ’ desires to produce live , healthy babies , and to promote fertility in women who have difficulties in getting pregnant .
22 In both Nicaragua and Mozambique , the governments have come up against the question of choosing which language or languages to teach in .
23 The clothing and electronics factories have closed down in the Northeast , and the shifts specially designed for mothers , the part-time and twilight , were the first to go .
24 But with the base set to close , the planes have flown out for the last time .
25 OVER the past two years , Swedish investors have come in from the cold .
26 ‘ Prices at the top end have fallen quite dramatically and now unemployment fears have filtered through to the middle and lower end of the market . ’
27 Over the years , texts and commentaries have grown up around the hexagrams .
28 The results confirm the so-called Standard Model , the theory which physicists have built up over the past 15 years to explain both the nature of matter and the forces which govern it .
29 Our housing market is a disaster , our businesses have gone under by the hearseload .
30 Guitarist 's Readers ' Ads have taken over as the foremost private buying , selling , swapping and personnel advertising service around .
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