Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [be] [vb pp] [subord] of " in BNC.

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1 In the first year of the scheme , up to 750 secondary schools have been chosen because of their proximity to Sainsbury 's stores .
2 Conditioned as we are by such great Lieder writers as Schubert , Schumann , Brahms and Wold , Mendelssohn 's songs have been neglected because of their conservatism and often , it must be admitted , superficiality .
3 And er the all-nighters have been stopped because of it .
4 Defence Secretary , Tom King , is denying that Britain 's Shackleton early warning planes have been grounded because of a technical fault .
5 The method to be used is face-to-face interviews with accountants ; accountants have been chosen because of their knowledge of the tax system , the likelihood that they pay high marginal tax rates and their familiarity with quantitative measurement ; as well as their own reaction to the tax changes they will be asked about the reactions of their clients .
6 Hugh Thomas , the technical delegate , stressed that the changes have been made because of the conditions and with the horses ' safety in mind .
7 Teachers and other academics have been persecuted because of their chosen area of research .
8 The rule of law in Sri Lanka has been seriously eroded : in the past three years , over a dozen lawyers have been murdered because of their involvement with human rights cases and at least 20 others have been forced to flee the country after receiving death threats .
9 Moreover , the effects of damage will be much more a function of how many modules have been damaged than of which modules have been eliminated .
10 Whatever its origin , AIDS is scary : 1051 cases have been reported as of February 1983 , and it would seem that as yet no one has recovered fully ; from AIDS the current mortality rate is 40 per cent .
11 Various self-help groups have been formed because of dissatisfaction with the help that professionals provide or a realisation that such help is limited .
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