Example sentences of "[noun pl] she had [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ ’ Devon , the garden of England ! ’ ' said Breeze , quoting from the brightly coloured placards she had seen in various stations en route .
2 His towers rejected the fear she had of the hideous , dehumanized sadists she had known at Mars-U .
3 Some of her ideas about sex and marriage seemed old-fashioned compared with various loudly expressed opinions she had heard from other nurses , and her steps towards the lighter side of life were still very tentative , as Deana 's blunt accusations last week had shown her .
4 For several years she had suffered from painful endometriosis , which was at first misdiagnosed and then treated unnecessarily by surgery .
5 She leant down and started to lick out his ear , bit his lobes , started to tell him of all the things she had done with other men .
6 It seemed to Marie like those ‘ executive-style ’ rooms she had seen in numerous television advertisements and soap operas : bright , spacious and open plan with acres of carpets , a jungle of lush potted plants , low leather chairs with squashy seats and coffee tables , casually strewn with expensive , up-market magazines .
7 She had found it in them perhaps more securely than in the friends she had made in other colleges , with whom her relationships had been complicated by sex .
8 Sometimes , Hawk was like the masters she had seen in Chinese martial arts movies , talking in parables , and drawing out his pupil 's skills through subterfuge .
9 Grainne blinked and shook her head , because just for a few seconds she had seen with dreadful clarity the Dark Ireland , the Evil Realm , the world of malevolence and malignancy .
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