Example sentences of "[noun pl] which [vb base] [been] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 India has very few fourth generation mainframe computers which have been available in the West for a number of years .
2 I should also itemise claims which were made under two heads which have been satisfied by interim payment .
3 This project aims to investigate the effects of TVEI in ten secondary schools which have been involved in the Initiative for between six and eight years .
4 The Maastricht Treaty thus represents the moment at which all the Federalist tendencies which have been present during four decades of integration emerged and , if ratified , were legally sanctioned .
5 It is arguable that the friction between locals and newcomers which has been a common feature of village life in recent years is only a temporary problem brought about by the dislocation of established social patterns which have been hard for the social life of the village to digest , and that once the newly arrived population has either taken over entirely or ‘ settled down ’ to a rural existence many of the initial problems will be reconciled .
6 Finally we come to three speakers representing groups which have been active in researching and lobbying on the issues of employment , unemployment and training in West Belfast .
7 Freud goes on to use McDougall 's analysis of the positive aspects of groups , the crowd being distinguished from the positive group by the lack of organization found in groups which have been positive in their effects .
8 There are two member categories : Associate members , which are drawn from a large number of manufacturers and distributors ; and Full members , consisting of companies which have been involved in successful kitchen retailing for a minimum of two years .
9 Insider-outsider models are a more rigorous articulation of ideas which have been current in one form or another for many years , particularly in British Keynesian circles .
10 One particular catering industry has some rather unique problems which have been overcome with the help of similarly unique new technology .
11 problems which have been outstanding for more than five days
12 This favours those departments which have been successful in the past , but does not help those others which wish to expand or to improve their standards , and it fails to allow for the creation of new departments .
13 All too often , we are called to see foals which have been ill for 24 hours or more and by that stage they can be very sick indeed .
14 They use numeric pagers which have been pre-programmed with specific codes for each type of message .
15 The research project will investigate these evolving patterns in a life course context to describe the experiences of different groups over time , and to attempt to explain the factors which have been responsible for these changes .
16 To be sure of having bulbs in flower at Christmas , it is advisable to buy specially prepared ones which have been temperature-treated for early flowering .
17 The cattle of Wales have a long history : they are usually described as ‘ Celtic ’ types which have been indigenous to Wales for many centuries .
18 Slides which have been carbon-coated for probe work , however , can be examined directly in cold cathode equipment ; the thin coating offers no impediment to the electron beam .
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