Example sentences of "[noun pl] which [modal v] [vb infin] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Detecting water movements helps many insects of fast-flowing streams to maintain their position , and it alerts aquatic leeches to the approach of animals which might provide a meal of blood .
2 Will he also consider , as a provisional measure , initiating steps which would enable a magistrate or judge to supervise the interrogation of a defendant charged with a terrorist offence ?
3 The eruption of highly viscous lava , such as that formed by the degassing of rhyolite or andesite , can create large domes which may reach a height of several hundred metres and a width of several kilometres .
4 Ties which might provide a basis for group cohesion included regional origins ( reinforced by the domain system ) , shared caste , family relationships or occupation .
5 Some twin bedrooms which will have a balcony and sea view are available at a supplement .
6 The fells around Baldersdale are dangerous places , full of hidden ghylls — deep water holes — and moss bogs which can swallow a man whole .
7 There are three aspects which would make a world class bobsleigher .
8 In both of these cases , the forecaster must have a clear understanding about the workings and relationship of those variables which will determine a company 's relative market share .
9 Some of these might be : recognizes that a number of squares can be rearranged and form several different shapes ; knows that , in order to cover a given rectangle with different sizes of squares , the smaller squares will produce the larger numbers ; knows that to find an area is to find the number of unit shapes which will cover a shape .
10 The National Lottery we propose to introduce can be used to restore our heritage and promote projects which will become a source of national pride .
11 ‘ We will look at projects which can offer a pay back in up to five years , except in the case of new business investment projects — NBIPs — which require a shorter return on investment .
12 Articles may reveal diversification plans which may mean a company suddenly becomes a potential customer ; advertisements for personnel may reveal plans for expansion , again suggesting potential new business .
13 RESIDENTS of a Cleveland town are taking the chance to see plans which will make a long-awaited bypass a reality .
14 The conference agreed to adopt a set of compromise proposals which would involve a commitment by each donor country to increase its ODA to LDCs , but it refrained from setting an overall target in excess of the 0.15 per cent agreed upon in 1981 .
15 As the principal ratepayers in the locality — even after the de-rating of agricultural land in 1927 — they pursued a low rateflow expenditure policy and therefore were extremely reluctant to commit local authority expenditure to the building of houses which could become a burden on the rates .
16 Even if not successful , it can still provide some fantastic experiences which will hold a player in good stead for some other career in the game of golf .
17 Chemical analysis is usually employed to determine the materials from which an object is made , and often to identify trace elements which may give a clue to the origins and date of the object .
18 While choreographers who wish to create a character and/or national ballet have an immense amount of material upon which to work , they must be very selective if they are to communicate the characteristic and/or purely nationalistic elements which will make a ballet unique .
19 By this rule a solicitor may not share or agree to share his fees with any person except : ( 1 ) another solicitor ; ( 2 ) a lawyer qualified in some foreign jurisdiction who has his principal office in that jurisdiction ; ( 3 ) the solicitor 's bona fide employee , but not in circumstances which would create a partnership with a non-solicitor ; ( 4 ) a retired partner or the dependants of a retired or deceased partner .
20 It considers , in very broad terms , the variety of circumstances which can cause a change of dependence/independence status for the AL of maintaining a safe environment .
21 " The very circumstances which will make a person be regarded with disfavour by the criminal classes will raise his character in the estimation of right-thinking men .
22 You can often use the space between the bottom of wall-hung cabinets and the counter top to put up small shelves which will take a variety of objects ; this is often a good place to stand your collection of dried herbs in small pots or jars — it keeps them together , clearly visible and to hand .
23 There were several motives which might bring a man to commit himself to a fairly long period ( eight years in France from 1762 onwards ) of military service .
24 Objectives , in this instance then , are agreed expectations which will become a part of our value system giving direction to future decisions .
25 I could not hope to set out details of all the Caribbean varieties which might have a role in shaping the linguistic behaviour of young Caribbeans in London .
26 And perhaps because of Chrysler 's ignominious retreat from our only volume car manufacturing plant , we spared the cars nothing — never once gave them the benefit of the doubt in the sort of conditions which could tear a wheel off a less rugged vehicle .
27 Home Office ministers have asked the Association of Chief Police Officers to monitor the spread of scanners which can detect a radar trap up to three miles away .
28 Intense pain or spasm of the surrounding muscles which may suggest a fracture .
29 He argues the need for : a written constitution which is compatible with the rule of law ; the separation of legislative , executive , and judicial power so that a system of checks and balances will be in place ; a bicameral legislature , to provide an additional check ; a federal system of government to protect against big , centralized government ; a bill of rights which will protect a sphere of private autonomy ; judicial review to ensure an effective mechanism of protection ; and specific limitations on legislative and administrative discretion .
30 Its report suggested some principles which might provide a basis for action .
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