Example sentences of "[noun pl] were still [vb pp] to be " in BNC.

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1 However , as of late March both bases were still believed to be under rebel control .
2 Psychological and cultural differences were still thought to be grounded in biology ; indeed , Geddes and Thompson believed sex differences to be physiologically based , which held out even less possibility for change than did Spencer 's explanation based on evolution .
3 While the agreement of Aug. 27 deferred formal dissolution until the New Year , both leaders were still said to be optimistic on the Sept. 30 deadline for passage of federal laws to dissolve the federation and divide its powers and property .
4 According to official figures 150 people , the majority of them youths and students , received prison sentences ranging from one month to seven years ; at least 450 others were still thought to be awaiting trial .
5 Although modern appliances such as the electric Hoover were functional and popular , housemaids were still expected to be downstairs between five and six a.m. to sweep the rooms and fireplaces , and polish grates and furniture .
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