Example sentences of "[noun pl] were [v-ing] [adv] [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Although Laura 's formal education finished prematurely , she showed a remarkable capacity for intellectual growth in the middle years of her life : many of her ideas were changing so fast that her colleagues often found it difficult to keep pace .
2 Things were going so well that she did n't want anyone else interfering with what she had worked so hard for .
3 For a while during the 1970s these counterurban tendencies were operating so powerfully that they replaced the North-South drift as a primary dimension of regional population change in Britain ( Champion , 1983 ) .
4 Rose 's hands were shaking so badly that some of the contents of the glass spilled on her dress .
5 Their numbers were growing so quickly that the club was formed .
6 There were marvellous areas of growth , like Caribbean cruising with the fantastic prices and quality incidental to the impact of all the extra tonnage , and the ferries were doing so well that it would be a good idea to discourage people from turning up in hordes at Dover unticketed .
7 Not only did I draw a blank about the pictures , but political events were moving so fast that the book I had begun to write had ceased , after the completion of the amount of text Faber 's required , to be the one that needed to he written .
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