Example sentences of "[noun pl] were [vb pp] to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 No words were found to be allowable in these positions , so instead the top-ranked string is stored .
2 In addition , such lobes were found to be negative for the macrophage markers 5C6 and F4/80 ( ref.18 ) and the reticular fibroblast marker ERTR7 ( ref.16 ) .
3 At one moment six Emperors were said to be alive , each as impotent as the others .
4 On the other hand , utilities were found to be insensitive to both unanticipated inflation and the unanticipated changes in the expected real long-term rate of growth of sales because this sector is highly regulated .
5 If the centre parties were seen to be self-interested in blocking the formation of a government through their insistence on a deal to introduce electoral reform then this could reflect badly on them in the election so cutting back their seats — and the prospect for proportional representation .
6 A recent survey by the Consumers Association ( CA ) showed that a third of the tools hired from 32 randomly selected shops were found to be faulty when examined by experts .
7 Some historians argue that modern ecology only became possible in the post-Darwinian age in which all natural relationships were seen to be fragile .
8 People lacking supportive relationships were expected to be prone to depression whether or not they experienced major difficulties or threatening events .
9 In an age when décolletage mattered , her shoulders were said to be superb .
10 By mid-1989 foreign exchange reserves were estimated to be sufficient to cover only two months of imports .
11 If , however , further safeguards were thought to be necessary , it would be open to the Director to reserve such decisions to himself .
12 By section 14(2) , vessels were deemed to be British-owned if the legal title in them was vested wholly in qualified persons or companies and they were beneficially owned wholly or mainly by qualified persons or companies .
13 NCP leases the car park above Presto in East Street , Darlington , from the local authority which recommended the upper deck be closed eight months ago after crash barriers were discovered to be unsafe .
14 The situation is more encouraging in the Netherlands , where parents were found to be involved in the care process ‘ to some extent ’ at least in 90 per cent of cases ; intensive involvement is , however , limited to 39 per cent of cases ( Ploeg and Scholte , 1988 ) .
15 Firstly , positive school experiences were found to be important .
16 Only two patients with Crohn 's disease were studied , however , and CD4 + /CD8 + ratios were found to be normal ; similar studies of T cells from inflamed mucosa of patients with Crohn 's disease and ulcerative colitis have not showed any significant changes from controls .
17 Both defendants were accepted to be negligent and the plaintiff was contributorily negligent .
18 Male presenters were expected to be black-tie-dressed while women wore evening gowns , and sometimes even tiaras .
19 The state of the fundic wrap can be accurately assessed with the retroflexed endoscope , and shortly after fundoplication 8–9% of wraps were found to be defective .
20 Painful bowel movements were thought to be present if the child complained of pain during defecation or when the child exhibited screaming or crying in anticipation of , or during , defecation , if the parent reported blood on the stool or if the child had an anal fissure present at the time of examination .
21 Former headmen were known to be important organizers of the illicit trade in stolen cattle .
22 Three open sprinklers were found to be sufficient to stop even the most rapidly developing fire .
23 The firm has been at pains to correct this recently , however , and points to a ban of all flags in the workplace ( Union Jacks were seen to be intimidatory ) and its monitoring of the composition of the workforce .
24 The external services employed by the companies were found to be inadequate by 24% of the sample — specifically
25 A church could derive both prestige and wealth from possessing the relics of a major saint , whose devotees were expected to be generous in their donations of land and precious metal .
26 Observers were said to be surprised at the decision to hold elections during the Christmas holiday period , when most Kenyans with jobs in cities would have returned to their rural homes in areas where they had not necessarily registered to vote .
27 Need has been variously defined , but in this study needs were deemed to be unmet if interventions were acceptable to the client and the following applied : ( a ) for activities of daily living a person was dependent on help from the carer and this dependence could be reversed by provision of an aid ; ( b ) for communication disorders there had not been an assessment by a speech therapist ; ( c ) for services ( day care , respite care ) a referral had not been made to the appropriate agency and subsequent referral proved successful ; and ( d ) for benefits the client or carer was unaware of eligibility for benefits , an application had not been made , and subsequent application was successful .
28 As more loyal forces were moved into the area , the rebels were reported to be short of supplies , and forced to rely upon food donations from a local religious group .
29 New Bold college could n't prevent its students from going along and some young Seventh Day Adventists were predisposed to be receptive .
30 The plaintiff individual workers were held to be entitled to assert their right to transfer .
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