Example sentences of "[noun pl] were [vb pp] [prep] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After his victory at Auberoche , prisoners were taken whose ransoms were said to be worth over £50,000 , and in 1346 , according to Froissart , Lancaster 's army returned from a raid into Poitou so laden with riches that they had difficulty in transporting all their gains .
2 Of course in conformity with ecclesiological principles , schools were expected to be in the Gothic style .
3 No German warships were thought to be in the immediate area and only some four squadrons of fighters and bombers — an estimated 37 planes — were flying from Herdia , Stavanger , and Trondheim .
4 Valuable though such concessions were felt to be in the short term , we concluded it was wrong to encourage prospecting in sensitive waters without an adequate understanding of the nature and level of the risks involved .
5 Fifteen yeomen were stated to be in the service of some lord or other , four being ‘ reteyned ’ by them ; six acted as bailiffs of townships , and the remainder were simply ‘ servants ’ , like Christopher Lacy of Riddlington , ‘ Seruant in the Howsehold w the Lord Hastings ’ , who had £15 in goods , reduced to £8 in the subsidy , where he was described as husbandman .
6 All the candidates were said to be in favour of free legislative elections and economic reform .
7 These savings were thought to be of the order of £0.5 million at the most .
8 A number of safeguards were said to be in force , the first being that all applications had to be made in writing .
9 Speaking at the launch of the report , the Inspectorate 's director and chief inspector , David Slater , said that recruitment had improved and that 300 new inspectors were expected to be in their posts by early next year .
10 By late July about 20 dissidents were known to be in detention , several ( including Matiba and Rubia ) under security legislation which allowed for detention without charge for up to 14 days or longer .
11 Samuel , Dorothy Perkins and C and J Clark Shoes were known to be among the stores which signed up .
12 In 1986 , 440 thousand lone parents were estimated to be in paid work including those receiving sb with part-time earnings .
13 Both defendants were said to be of no fixed abode , although they originate from the Old Swan district of Liverpool .
14 These buckets were held to be of merchantable quality ( but see paragraph 7–22 below ) .
15 Eight thousand miners were known to be in Yanomami territory in 1989 , when they constructed a hundred airstrips to ferry in fuel , food and mining equipment .
16 Indeed , it was not long before some of the concessions which the British had secured — after considerable persuasive effort on their part — to assist in the postwar reconstruction and conversion of their own economy to peacetime purposes were found to be at risk .
17 But breaches of the injunction continued and the union officials were held to be in contempt , the union being fined £50,000 with sequestration of assets to follow , if needed .
18 The two narrative conditions were expected to be of intermediate difficulty with the after-theme condition being easier than the no-theme .
19 In the event neither the manager nor the owners were held to be in breach of duty .
20 The bombings were thought to be in retaliation for the shooting by British soldiers in an undercover operation on Oct. 9 of IRA activists Desmond Grew and Martin McCaughey near Loughgall in south Armagh .
21 Lang insists that the planned reforms were designed to be in the best interests of local government .
22 The tyres on the locomotive 's driving wheels were found to be of different sizes after they had been reprofiled by a well-known company in South Wales .
23 Four regions were found to be above the average : Scotland , 12.2 per cent ; the West Midlands 12 per cent ; the South-west 11.6 per cent ; and London 11.5 per cent .
24 In the silence that followed most of the chiefs were seen to be in tears and the council was dissolved until the afternoon .
25 But in the context of the mid-Sixties , when Britain 's chaotic labour relations were deemed to be among the world 's worst , such good-natured willingness to work long hours , doing all kinds of jobs , for sums of money that were not vast , are extraordinary .
26 In the north , after a wave of determined attacks against the regime , forcefully repelled , 1 million Kurds were reported to be in flight , trudging through the mountains , hoping to find sanctuary in Turkey and Iran .
27 Nitrogen dioxide levels were found to be above the guideline limits set by the EC at 13 out of 14 sites .
28 He went on to add that disgruntled acid house partygoers were thought to be behind the vandalism .
29 No doubt shorter journeys were deemed to be within the pocket of the serviceman of woman .
30 By March 31 Gamsakhurdia forces were said to be in retreat although railways and roads were still blocked .
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