Example sentences of "[noun pl] from which they be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The meanings of certain types of phrases have come to mean more than simply the combination of words from which they are composed ( sometimes they bear no relation to their constituents ) .
2 In this event sites from which they were removed could be returned to their former use as agricultural land , or left to return to a natural condition , without serious difficulty .
3 The relationship between fossil assemblages and ecology is usually not such a simple one , however , for the composition of fossil faunas may differ greatly from the living communities from which they were drawn .
4 The interpretation of palaeoecology is rendered difficult because the composition of fossil faunas may differ radically from the communities from which they were derived .
5 Long before California and Australia elected to name their wines after the grape variety or varieties from which they were produced , Alsace was already doing just that .
6 This change in distribution appears to be a reflection of the changes in the mints from which they were drawn .
7 Merit is defined by the hierarchy of metals from which they are struck : gold for the winner , silver for the second best and bronze for the third ( fig. 43 ) .
8 They stand in much the same relation to the childhood memories from which they are derived as do some of the Baroque palaces of Rome to the ancient ruins whose pavements and columns have provided the material for more recent structures .
9 The most common other indications of early occupation must be the presence of flint tools and the chips and cores of the flints from which they were fashioned .
10 Now that pre-Martin Levins are being rediscovered , as are their players ( Folk Roots ' top 30 features two re-released CDs of the Incredible String Band 's early albums ) , Goliaths are presently pushing a £500 asking price and will certainly appreciate as the woods from which they were crafted disappear and their distinct acoustic tone becomes more eagerly sought by the Washburn weary and the Takamine troubadours .
11 Secondly , at a time when social workers are particularly concerned to understand how race should influence their practice , it is unfortunate that the study is based on respondents all of whom were of ‘ white British origin , reflecting the populations from which they were sampled ’ .
12 Mira takes these facts and re-inserts them in narrative — not the original narrative representations from which they were drawn , for these are inaccessible to her , — but playful conjectures as to what might have been .
13 Most finds that were simply lost ( small and easily mislaid , such as coins and brooches ) or objects that fell into places from which they could not be retrieved , such as wells , are often complete and may be in very good condition , depending on the materials from which they are made and the conditions in which they have been buried .
14 In international law too , the strict rule was inconvenient and could cause hardship to third parties whose interests were adversely affected by treaties from which they were excluded .
15 Collocations ( and the concordances from which they are derived ) have been successfully used for a variety of linguistic purposes .
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