Example sentences of "[noun pl] from [noun sg] [coord] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Every year I am faced with a barrage of questions from family and friends about my sporting career .
2 Odours from the following activities have been found to amount to a private nuisance and the remedy of an injunction and , or damages granted : odours from a fried fish shop , in close proximity to a dwellinghouse ; odours from stables ; odours from smoke and effluvia from a factory chimney ; odours from a gasworks affecting the plaintiff 's plantation of trees ; odours from a sewage disposal works , and odours from the spraying of cars and the burning of tyres .
3 In particular , it was said that the employer was thereby saving on royalties payable to the patentee or licensee of alternative components ; the valve reduced processing costs and disposals of scrap ; output had increased ; and the frequency of employee injury had declined so as to reduce absences from work and claims for compensation .
4 Release of specific growth factors from matrix or changes in matrix presentation of cytokines may also occur as a result of matrix degradation or a change in matrix composition .
5 For if , as ordinary people , we are acutely aware that when it most matters the words we say are not thunderbolts from heaven but hostages to fortune , ways in which we reveal ourselves in our limitedness and imperfection .
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