Example sentences of "[noun pl] but [pron] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She could not communicate with their static sky-fires but she watched/felt/learned of the realities of Spiderglass on the Earth of a century before , back when industry meant manufacture or service and did n't encompass its environments or political power .
2 Frank soon became a prolific scorer for the Reserves but he graduated to the first team as the ideal foil to the great goal-scorer , Peter Simpson , having begun by deputising for the master when Peter was out injured .
3 We push his legs but they buckle at the knees , so we have to hold them up above our heads as we push to make them stay straight , then as we shove and his trousers are rolled down by the rim of stone , his arms flop over the far side of the shaft rim and it suddenly gets easier to push him .
4 Us two we pull in totally different directions but we meet in the middle .
5 Us two we pull in totally different directions but we meet in the middle .
6 I 'm Mrs and er the point I wan na make is that I understood when Jimmy Jones came here had two lovely full houses but I heard through the building through the grapevine that the members of the trust or council objected to him because he was racist his jokes and sexist .
7 I tried to lift Joey into my arms but he wriggled onto the slack and ashes on the floor and started giggling .
8 The expansion of Brighton provided a number of new churches but they depended for the clergy 's livelihood on rented pews and the poor were virtually excluded .
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