Example sentences of "[noun pl] as [adv] as [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is important to remove carnivorous animals such as centipedes as soon as you see them , otherwise they will rapidly eat the remainder of your catch .
2 He regretted the words as soon as he spoke .
3 She heard voices as soon as she opened the glass-panelled door , and had already been warned by the four cups that Faye 's husband must be home .
4 All members of staff are requested to return files and books as soon as they have finished with them and immediately on receipt of a recall notice .
5 If anyone was coming here to do some subversive overthrowing , everyone 'd be down on him like a pound of bricks as soon as he answered ‘ Yes ’ . ’
6 Avoiding Richard , who got to his feet as soon as he saw something to be carried , she kicked open the top of the Arctic and flung them in golden handfuls onto the glowing bed of fuel .
7 It was being swept off my feet as soon as I opened the door and having my clothes removed before I had time to make coffee .
8 Remember , you can at any time exchange our equipment for the latest models as soon as they become available .
9 He was involved in the same heavy round of duties as soon as he returned to London , however , and honorary positions were becoming increasingly a burden .
10 With a full venue in front of them , Catherine Wheel started to produce sparks as soon as they went on stage with a determination to take Leo Fender 's finest to their limits .
11 The porcelain produced at Chelsea was said to compare with Dresden 's fine china and there was always keen competition amongst dealers who waited at the doors to purchase pieces as soon as they emerged from the ovens .
12 It 's very important to get treatment for lice and nits as soon as you find them .
13 When she returns from theatre she is rather sleepy but is allowed to take fluids as soon as she feels able to sit up in bed .
14 Elephants , on the other hand , kick out the fellas as soon as they 've done the necessaries , kick out the boy children as soon as they 've started to shave , and live in a contented matriarchal world afraid of no man but the ivory poacher .
15 Instead , they grow a palisade of protective spines as soon as they scent a predator browsing nearby .
16 Harvest pears , cooking apples and dessert apples as soon as they have ripened .
17 I 'm professional , of course , and it all changes as soon as he hits me .
18 Constant vigilance is also vital in combating problems as soon as they arise , and the garden at Snowshill is on such a scale that this is possible .
19 We run into immense difficulties as soon as we attempt to project our minds any distance at all above or beyond the area of our concrete experience , for then our reasoning and arguing can not be properly controlled .
20 glasses as soon as she went to another
21 ‘ … well , they got up and left so I thought I 'd clear their glasses as soon as I 'd finished with the man I was serving .
22 We saw that the storm had changed a lot of things as soon as we came to the river that marks the end of the island ; it had swollen hugely , carving immense channels out of the sand , great surging brown trenches of water streaming by and tearing lumps from the banks continually and sweeping them away .
23 It would be brought round if he waited , but he liked to have things as soon as they came .
24 things to do when you ca n't even do the old things as well as you want to and as well as you should be doing ?
25 Fred , I know you think you will never understand such things as long as you live .
26 He was the only one of the game players not to have fooled around quick-drawing our paint guns as soon as we had got them .
27 She said that she was waiting for some of her belongings to be sent on , but she 'd supply all her tax and National Insurance details as soon as they came .
28 And you should wash the gloves as soon as you 've touched the acid .
29 Perhaps if the age-gap of eight years between them had been less … perhaps if she herself had stayed at home for a few years instead of finding separate lodgings as soon as she 'd finished her A levels and joined Grantham and Marsh as a junior copywriter …
30 He said he would be talking to the existing team management duo of Doug Livermore and Ray Clemence , as well as the rest of the players as soon as they get back from vacation .
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