Example sentences of "[noun pl] as [pers pn] [verb] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The educators at home and at school are on their guard , wary of , yet understanding their secrecies and confidences , and in particular the need for such youngsters to take risks as they strike out towards independent adulthood .
2 The proposed survey will track pollution plumes as they spread out from Sellafield and Dounreay , by measuring radioactive isotopes such as caesium-137 , strontium-90 , cobalt-60 and cadmium in both sea water and sediment .
3 4 A jar to collect the animals as they fall out of the funnel .
4 I was rubbing my eyes as I clambered out of the trench .
5 So we 're just making little trips as we run out of stuff .
6 ‘ Hello … what in … ? ’ but the words died on his lips as he drew out into the full brilliance of the moon something that shone with the colour of the moon itself , a circlet of gold on which stood a row of triangular shapes from each of which flashed a pebble , some green , some blue , some red the colour of rubies .
7 " You must go to the city , for the princess of this land has lost her keys as she rode out in the meadows by the river , and she has sent all her people to hunt for them .
8 She kicked out of the bikini-bottom that Fernando had succeeded in half tearing from her and struck out for the furthest end of the pool , laughter gripping her and weakening her limbs as he lashed out after her .
9 The tent is extremely stable especially in very high winds as I found out on a few wet and wild nights .
10 I would allow the appeal and give the directions as I set out in my judgment .
11 The three adults seemed to be catapulted from their seats as they ran out into the back yard .
12 While Cubism aims at purity of draughtsmanship , Orphism is an attempt at ‘ pure ’ painting , not that it involves pure colours , that is to say colours as they come out of the tube .
13 People stared at him sometimes , jumping from one paving stone border to another , then taking some mincing little half-steps over others , his face going strange colours as he ran out of stored air in his lungs , sweating under a hard hat with no construction sites anywhere in evidence , but he did n't care .
14 Gainsborough 's house … to say nothing of huge grey sweeps of empty beach from which , at Aldeburgh , you can buy goggle-eyed skate direct from the fishing boats as they come out of the water .
15 Out there in the pale grey dawn , did Mrs Plumptry sleep , a relatively young woman of only forty years or so , or lie with Stanley in her bed and hear the planes as they flew out to sea ?
16 It is intended that this system , which will presumably be the basis for pool allocations for some years to come , will be refined during the next few years as it works out in practice .
17 Further , it will document the experience of families as they moved out of the old tenements , often slums , into their new houses in the new schemes .
18 By the frequency of his visits he came to know most of the artists and was fond of addressing them in a loud voice by their first names as they came out of the studio .
19 James came running up the stairs as she came out of the office .
20 He felt the air in his wings as he stretched out over the sky ; he felt his strength .
21 The story goes that one dismal morning they were detailed to take their Mosquito , ‘ D ’ for Dog , up for testing , and as there had been quite a party in the Mess on the previous evening , neither was feeling in the best of moods as they trudged out to dispersal at the crack of dawn .
22 Dick Hobbs ( 1988 ) lived with thieves and detectives as they set out to ‘ do the business ’ , and perhaps one of the most effective pieces of participant observation in recent times has been the four-volume Policy Studies Institute work on the police in London ( 1983 ) .
23 As we pray this prayer we join with those generous young men as they set out on their missionary journeys .
24 The air-conditioning roared softly and they got their first drinks as they came out of the tunnel and on to the New Jersey marshes where gulls circled the refuse dumps among a forest of concrete stilts carrying the highways south .
25 Windows opened ; grocers ran to the doors of their shops ; customers stopped discussing bacon and turned ; our teachers wobbled on their bicycles as the noise buffeted them like a violent squall ; and boys sprinted to the school gates as they came out of the building , though many others , cool boys , shrugged or turned away in disgust , gobbing , cursing and scuffling their feet .
26 There were a good few raised eyebrows as she marched out with the lass .
27 From my second-floor vantage point I could see my classmates as they tumbled out into the quad playing catch with my shoes .
28 She belongs , surely , where he had seen her a thousand times as he came out of Happy Homes , just above the end pinnacle of the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel .
29 Police said a lone gunman hiding in undergrowth fired through the security fencing and hit Mr Gallagher in the back several times as he got out of a builder 's van .
30 The other customers retained their normal appearances and did n't seem to notice anything odd about Mr and Mrs Smith , who were still boars as I backed out of the shop carrying the bags of groceries .
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