Example sentences of "[noun pl] as [pron] [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Brothers in arms Greg ( left ) and Jonny Searle let their feelings show after their sensational victory over the apparently invincible Italians Carmine and Giuseppe Abbagnale — and an emotional cox Garry Herbert ( right ) joins the brothers as they celebrate their golden moment
2 He stood there , his face awash with blood , his swollen mouth hanging open , but still conscious , still awake enough to see his younger brother 's eyes as they fixed his own and lined him up for the coup de grace .
3 She had been addressing her half-eaten Danish pastry , unable to meet his penetrating eyes as she delivered her little speech .
4 A beady glint appeared in Manolo 's clear blue eyes as he got his first scent of blood money and began to turn into a shark .
5 Laughter gleamed in his eyes as he met her belligerent stare .
6 He smiled , mockery dancing in his dark eyes as he studied her furious face .
7 I believe the Chartered Institute of Transport , who launched TRANSAID , and all the sponsors can be well satisfied in the knowledge that the concept continues to fulfil a very valuable role in support of S.C.F. However it is clear that the need for help and guidance with transport management and operations in needy countries is much wider than that which can or should be tackled by S.C.F. Whether this has or should have any implications for the future status and role of TRANSAID is certainly an issue we shall be addressing with our parties as we enter our sixth year .
8 D'Arcy 's grip tightened round her shoulders as he felt her hot tears against his skin .
9 There was considerable applause from his listeners as he advanced his familiar protectionist argument .
10 There was no doubt in the minds of the directors of the polytechnics as they received their formal designations from the end of the 1960s that the polytechnics were to remain distinctive .
11 The dolphins , engrossed in feeding on an anchovy school , fall to detect the vessels as they make their stealthy approach .
12 ‘ Anyway , ’ she continued bravely , staring down at her own feet as she found herself unable to meet Rune 's cool appraisal , ‘ the fact is , I really ca n't afford to stay away from work for too long — from a career point of view , that is — ’
13 The Natural History Museum in London moved into its present building in the 1880s , and a statue of Owen still greets visitors as they enter its main hall containing the great dinosaur skeletons .
14 Behind him , Briant sat calmly , legs outstretched , his hands thrust into the pockets of his near-white coat , his eyes fixed on the toes of his highly polished shoes as he rocked his crossed ankles in a slow rhythm .
15 The report has been with the department 's accountants for more than three weeks as they check its factual accuracy .
16 It is a very interesting , if noisy , place in which to view the wide variety of produce available and to observe the fishermen as they sell their daily catch of espada and tunny .
17 Colour flared in her cheeks as she met his blazing eyes head on .
18 Having cruelly ignored the band for two years as they dragged their own equipment between some of London 's less than prestigious live dives , people are finally beginning to wake up to the idea of Suede .
19 The combination of greater mobility of critical factors of production , notably technology and finance , creates tensions and uncertainties for firms as they develop their global strategies .
20 ‘ Take a taxi , ’ he instructed her peremptorily , anger tightening his features as he marked her wary expression .
21 A terrified bodybuilder was held at knifepoint by three burglars as they ransacked his disabled parents ' home .
22 Sweat dewed her lashes as she unbuttoned his white shirt , pushing it from his broad shoulders , running her hands over his flesh , pulling him closer , her mouth as hungry as his .
23 A HIGH-TECH electronics firm has more than doubled interim pre-tax profits as it expands its world-wide operation , it was revealed yesterday .
24 And , according to a new survey by Friskies Petcare , we take our pet 's diet so seriously three-quarters of owners put as much effort into preparing and serving their animals meals as they do their own .
25 Ronnie Elphick , 45 , of Bovey Tracey , Devon , was trampled by three strapping rugby players as she cheered her 22-year-old son Nathan in the local team .
26 Unique commemorative plaques have been produced featuring a classic grille badge from the RAC 's early years and these will be awarded to members as they reach their 50th year of membership .
27 Finally , you probably realise by now , in light of the January magazine , that we are keeping the membership as up to date as possible with developments as we plan our own Secretariat .
28 Kate leant her chin on her hands as she considered his last words .
29 And then the tendrils of her inner fire licked outwards , and the buffeting of the waters around her merged dizzily with the touch of his hands as he drew her closer .
30 Her body relaxed in Adam 's strong and clearly skilled hands as he stroked her bare , smooth belly , and a warm glow spread from her navel over her entire body .
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