Example sentences of "[noun pl] had [be] [verb] by [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But Mr Foster said yesterday he knew of situations in other parts of the country where waiting lists had been reduced by unacceptable tactics .
2 She found that muddy brown eyes had been replaced by alert blue ones .
3 On Sept. 18 it was reported that in the previous week five truck drivers had been killed by armed groups , probably of the Afar clan , on the road from the port of Assab to Addis Ababa .
4 However , after doubts had been expressed by certain of Nissan 's executives , this proposal was drastically scaled-down .
5 If the neutrons had been produced by thermonuclear fusion in a stationary plasma the neutrons ' energy spectra would have been the same in both cases , peaked at 2.45 MeV .
6 One of the birds flapped towards a tall , dead elm , whose limbs had been stripped by fierce winds until only two remained , like gnarled horns , rising from the top of the trunk .
7 Results announced on Oct. 6 showed that 35 seats had been taken by outspoken critics of the government , described by the Washington Post as " drawn from a diverse group of Islamists , secular liberals and traditional politicians " , 15 of whom were said to be from districts which traditionally had supported the ruling family .
8 The Scottish National Party deputy leader , Allan Macartney , said that Highlands and Islands needs had been accentuated by recent job losses , and forecast : ‘ The UK will never press our case for regional funding as effectively as we could .
9 The situation for the UK would have been rendered more acceptable if high gross contributions had been offset by high gross receipts .
10 Where previous discussions about the Britishness of British films had been coloured by official concerns about national status , and cinema 's role in boosting American economic might , filmmakers increasingly focused on the possibility that good stories might be British stories .
11 On the final day of the war thousands of disorganized Iraqi troops attempted to flee north through Basra but were unable to find a means to cross the Shatt-al-Arab waterway as all bridges had been destroyed by allied aircraft .
12 He added the scheme contravened existing structure plans and traffic risk fears had been voiced by local residents .
13 Until 1986 , the steeply graded banks of one river in arable country were regularly sprayed with the approved chemical 2-4-D amine , in order to reduce the nettles , which were less good at holding the banks than slow-growing grasses , but for which perfect conditions had been established by abundant nitrogen leaching off the fields .
14 Despite many attempts to establish acceptable modes of mutually intelligible professional literary language , such efforts had been undercut by increasing specialization and an at times impenetrable scholarly discourse .
15 The meeting took place against the background of politically inspired violence in December in which several leading opposition figures had been attacked by unidentified armed gangs .
16 JEWELLER Carol Darby could not suppress a smile when she heard that Princess Anne 's engagement and wedding rings had been made by royal jewellers Garrard .
17 Zuwaya said they would not have wanted to win an election that way ; and some Magharba — admittedly few , the majority being unquestioningly jubilant — said that just ends had been achieved by improper means .
18 The embassy used intelligence provided by the Korean police , army and the American military mission ( KMAG G-2 ) ; Korean assessments had been analysed by American military advisers .
19 On 12 May 1992 Waite J. made the following order whose terms had been formulated by leading counsel then appearing for J. 's mother :
20 During Joseph Chamberlain 's tenure of the Colonial Office all that had changed ; Africans had been replaced by British .
21 Three routes had been proposed by Welsh Office planners .
22 The risings had been repressed by Russian military intervention , actual or threatened .
23 His ‘ new thinking ’ , admittedly , was not necessarily new : the central propositions had been discussed by Soviet specialists for some time , and the term itself appeared to derive from Bertrand Russell 's New Thinking for the Nuclear Age , published in 1960 .
24 Lothar Späth resigned as CDU Minister President of Baden-Württemberg on Jan. 13 following allegations ( which he denied ) that a number of his and his family 's vacations had been financed by local companies which were then favoured when contracts were awarded .
25 The government announced on Feb. 12 that 8,000 Iraqi civilians had been killed by allied air raids during the Gulf war .
26 Some reports estimated that some 7,000 Kuwaiti civilians had been killed by Iraqi forces by the end of the year .
27 The rockets had been damaged by allied bombing raids during the Gulf war and could not be moved to the main destruction site at Muthana , where most of the other 45,000 chemical warheads had been transported .
28 Ukrainian leaders had been angered by Russian President Yeltsin 's remarks on Jan. 9 during a visit to Ulyanovsk that " the Black Sea Fleet was , is and will continue to be Russian and no one will take it away from Russia , including Kravchuk " .
29 When Ethiopian Foreign Minister Tesfaye Dinka visited the Soviet Union on March 7 , the Soviet side laid particular emphasis on promoting talks on peace and national reconciliation , while on March 21 the Western press reported comments by the Soviet ambassador in Sudan , that all Soviet military advisers had been withdrawn by late February to Addis Ababa or back to the Soviet Union .
30 Recent research has shown that in such cases it is more likely that the animals and humans had been eaten by other predators , such as leopards an hyenas .
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