Example sentences of "[noun pl] had [be] [verb] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 The two other presidential candidates , Alfonso Santos of the Christian Democratic Front and Guadalupe de Seita , an independent , announced at the end of February that they were withdrawing from the ballot , complaining that government funds had been made available for the Trovoada campaign .
2 The expenditure plans revealed in January 1992 showed that increased resources had been made available for health , housing , education , and law and order .
3 All patients had been considered unsuitable for surgery either due to incurable disease ( documented distal metastases or advanced locoregional disease ) , or high surgical risk such as advanced age or severe cardiorespiratory disease ; 80% were tertiary referrals .
4 Prosecutions for offences defined under the Merchant Shipping Acts had almost uniformly failed , and shipowners had escaped altogether from the provisions of the Employers ' Liability Act 1880 in which employers had been made responsible for insuring employees against the risks of their calling .
5 Briefly , it stated that sixty-six coupons had been considered adequate for normal use .
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