Example sentences of "[noun pl] had [adv] [be] [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 What he did n't know was that the captives had already been moved over two thousand miles to the east .
2 The order came from the ABA on Saturday when they heard ‘ with sheer amazement ’ that the finalists had not been weighed in .
3 Some Conservative critics from the think-tanks were disappointed that consumer choice and true market solutions had not been taken further ( Green , 1990 ) .
4 This was the lake that we were going to spend our time on and although these lakes had n't been fished much we did have the benefit of some information given to us by Joe Taylor who had been out a few weeks prior to us .
5 The display windows of the shops had also been taken over and in some of them were displayed uniforms such as that of the Russian Legion which I had just seen .
6 The bushes had recently been cut down ‘ to about a third of their former dimension ’ .
7 The introduction of TECs was critical of the past because matters had not been managed collaboratively : " We stand at the crossroads .
8 Kelly made her way through the crowd , vaguely aware of the chatter of people whose dull lives had briefly been made more exciting by another 's misfortune .
9 Between 19 and 24 May , 12,196 Croats had already been handed over through 6 Armoured Division area , although many had been held in camps under 78 Division and 46 Division .
10 The mountains had now been left behind , and we were in flat , windswept country , the bare trees all bending one way .
11 However , the Jordanian government considered that a further US$40,000,000 owed to Saudi Arabia since the mid-1980s had previously been written off by the Saudi ruler King Fahd ibn Abdul Aziz .
12 But the alarm was only raised 30 hours later when a hotelier phoned to ask why their reservations had not been taken up .
13 My plan for how I was going to live out the rest of my days had just been torn up in front of my face and I needed time to adjust .
14 Indeed , black workers had originally been brought in in times of labour shortage and ended up doing the kinds of ‘ dead end ’ jobs which allowed white workers to set their sights higher — to a great extent they are still found in these same jobs .
15 To travel to Cologne might well be to find that the battlefront between Germany and the western Allies had already been established just beyond the city .
16 Fay Weldon and her allies had not been invited either , because , it was felt , they held racist attitudes , consciously or not .
17 Also , the legal costs had not been expended wholly and exclusively for the purposes of the profession .
18 According to the Minister of Law and Order , Adriaan Vlok , the question of stockpiled AK-47 rifles , mines and other weapons had not been cleared up , and a process of " achieving control " over these weapons would be started .
19 The incident room was in darkness , except for a couple of desks whose reading lights had not been switched off , a glowing computer screen and the flashing red lights of some electrical equipment .
20 True also that property questions had already been separated off from the main business , to be handled by the British Rail Property Board ( also on a regional basis , but with somewhat different geographical areas from those used by the operating regions ) .
21 The search for answers soon revealed that whole layers of management — perhaps as many as 6 out of a total of 14 — existed only because these questions had not been asked before .
22 Such extensive managerial powers had not been built in to any of the LEA pilot schemes of financial delegation in existence before 1988 although schools ' experiences had often entailed a change in managerial approach ( see Chapter 9 ) .
23 It was accepted that there had been no deliberate attempt to claim for unauthorised travel , but it was obvious that the regulations had not been publicised effectively , and the section head took steps to ensure that they were more widely circulated to prevent any further occurrences .
24 However , towards the end of 1900 D'Arcy was approached about funding exploration in Persia , where oil seepages had long been known about .
25 Some pages had apparently been torn out and separately burnt ; the brittle fragments of black ash had floated down to lie on top of the debris under the grate , old twisted matchends , coal dust , carpet fluff , the accumulated grit of years .
26 Maybe that , and any other lesser problems had now been sorted out and we might be on the verge of going home .
27 Although shop stewards held a meeting yesterday , union organisers had not been informed officially of the authority 's move .
28 A major redevelopment of the area including the provision of a 20 ton Derrick Crane to handle the containers had already been carried out .
29 In general these texts give the impression that where interpretative principles had already been worked out for legacies , trusts followed them ; and where they had not , much the same principles were adopted for both institutions .
30 These figures had now been revised so that a truer comparison of the housing stock 's condition could be made .
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