Example sentences of "[noun pl] on [pron] [noun] [pers pn] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 Faced with these twin assaults on his ego it was hardly surprising that many players were found wanting .
2 He was an Englishman , she said , an associate of her father , who 'd come across for years on whatever business it was he did .
3 Novato , California-based WordStar International Inc has been hit by an Australian court award against it ordering it to pay $3.2m to Perfect Information Pty Ltd as damages on its claim it was wrongfully terminated as one of WordStar 's Australian distributors ; WordStar will appeal the ruling , maintaining the plaintiff was never lawfully engaged as a distributor .
4 A rumour ran through their number that the carbon tetrachloride with which they worked would have the same effect as too intimate a connection with the servicemen on whose behalf they were working to supply the equipment .
5 By holding NI numbers on our CPIS we were able to obtain a significant saving on labour .
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