Example sentences of "[noun pl] are go to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Many of the Asian designers the US trade weekly talked to were worried about the 66MHz clock frequency , because at that speed , stray radiations become a serious problem and it is unlikely that garage operations are going to be able to knock up boards using the chip that will work .
2 The general concern expressed about the approach is whether the county courts are going to be able to cope with the significant extra workload .
3 Sunderland could find themselves with only 18,000 tickets , and with 5,000 season ticket holders taking priority , it looks as though many fans are going to be disappointed , whichever method is adopted .
4 The offices are going to be bright and airy .
5 Having worked out how your room will be used , you should consider what sort of finishes are going to be suitable .
6 You 've asked us a lot about what Governors can do and what Councillors can do , it 's teachers that make a school and schools are going to be excellent if the teachers and heads of faculty in those schools are excellent , and we 've got lots of those in Banbury .
7 ‘ Do you think his parents are going to be happy when he comes home for the holidays with a scar the length of his face ? ’
8 Alright , he could grow wheat , or he could grow , grow barley , possibly he could transfer into milk production , pig production , erm , so the prices of all those other commodities are going to be important .
9 Terry do those reassurances that the County Council Planners are going to be tough do they erm =lay some of the er the fears that you have ?
10 The next three days are going to be tough , though . ’
11 We are training a group of mental health monitors from the refugee community who will be able to lead discussion groups using the pamphlets and also spot special cases of need for referral to us ' This training will also be very useful in the future during the reconstruction period , as community mental health workers are going to be essential .
12 The NIAAF recognise that with the meeting coming so early in the track and field season the next few weeks are going to be hectic , with so many of Britain 's top athletes having just returned to these shores after sunshine training abroad … so the booking of Jarrett is a tremendous ‘ start ’ .
13 Even if Telecom could get planning permission for its Ballsbridge site ( although it is difficult to see anyone now wanting to get caught up in a possible planning scandal on top of what has already gone down ) the development costs are going to be huge .
14 Summing up the mood of the pro-reform lobby the NIAPA spokesmen said ‘ The next five years are going to be difficult but we must go onto reform if European Agriculture is to survive . ’
15 We can not assume , for example , that counsellees are going to be willing or able to immediately divulge the full nature of their feelings and difficulties .
16 I thought , ‘ Things are going to be tight this afternoon , ’ and I know Seve was thinking the same .
17 ‘ Look , I 'm not an educated man , I came here to show my solidarity and things are going to be different from now on . ’
18 Things are going to be different now .
19 But this time , they insist , things are going to be different .
20 Things are going to be different , and you 've only got yourself to blame for that , have n't you ? ’
21 David Williamson , the partner in charge of Touche Ross 's Business Service Group in Edinburgh , said yesterday : ‘ It is clear that if the Chancellor wants to raise the tax burden on businesses , then no moves are going to be popular — even though many businessmen believe he should raise extra revenue to reduce public borrowing . ’
22 It is useful for the therapist to be aware of who their allies are , those who can act as a positive role model , and which members are going to be resistant .
23 The coppers are going to be mad at me , as it is , if I get the jump on them with Vecchi .
24 Adolescents are going to be embarrassed and ashamed if a teacher suggests that their dialect , which is part of their identity , must be radically changed .
25 No , if they bid for the franchise , then , and get it , obviously that franchise runs for the period , and by the way , a lot of the criticisms in the film , I think were based on a misunderstanding that all the franchises are going to be short , they 're not , those where there 's a substantial investment going in can be quite a bit longer
26 The metal crowd were really quite ancient but now we 've got a mum monitor who answers the phone and reassures all the mums that their little ones are going to be OK . ’
27 If the same dose and type of insulin are given at the same time each day and either the food intake or the amount of physical activity fluctuates to a significant degree , the consequences are going to be unacceptable hyperglycaemia or hypoglycaemia .
28 And the aim is that the conversations are going to be anonymous and they are trying to compile a dictionary of words that people actually use , rather than a dictionary for people who do crosswords .
29 I do n't think our votes are going to be crucial but whether they , what they
30 Until production on the FSX builds up , Japanese plane makers are going to be short of work .
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