Example sentences of "[noun pl] are [adv] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , and this was not so widely appreciated , the deuterium nuclei are farther apart in the palladium than in the heavy water , and being further apart are even less likely to fuse when in the palladium than in the heavy water !
2 But the old ways and attitudes are still there behind the double glazing and the latest edition of Neighbours .
3 So in financial terms the local authorities are entirely virtually in the pocket , literally in the pocket of central government .
4 Such conflicts are generally not in the long-term interests of either party : the deterioration in the investment climate adversely affects the interests of both parties .
5 In music , the world 's top artists are most often with the world 's top record companies .
6 All these values are there simultaneously within the Mahabharata .
7 The changes that have affected rural population and landholding patterns are due less to the profitability or otherwise of agriculture itself than to developments pertaining to the economy as a whole .
8 Specialist series : These programmes are usually on for a limited period and cover specialist subjects such as holidays , motoring , food and wine or industry .
9 Like Chelsea , Howe has suffered adversity but good times are surely just around the corner in the New Year .
10 The opted-out units are no longer under the direct authority of the regional health authorities but report directly to the Secretary of State .
11 Do n't worry if your knees are way up in the air .
12 Unlike Keynesians , monetarists are almost entirely against the use of short-term demand-management policy .
13 They argued that , at least with respect to earnings , ‘ male clerks and shopworkers are now firmly among the broad mass of ordinary labour ; and indeed often well down towards the bottom of the pile ’ .
14 And — despite the cosmopolitan sheen of the music — precisely because their feet are still firmly on the ground .
15 And you think my parents are also in on the plot ? ’
16 These subsidiaries are thus somewhat like the farm teams of a major-league baseball club .
17 its not , you ca n't , the thing is you ca n't defend them without how you die , you ca n't train people how to avo to die , you can only train them how to avoid it , so it does n't really matter if you get fired or not , but they show you the drills and you have to do them to the best of your ability the blank rounds are only there to the conditions , now this is why they 've got these laser got laser sights all over the body , helmet and torso and the actual weapons got a laser on top and you get , if you get near one of these things you go dead and your out , and you can actually simulate
18 Half the lines are still down since the war .
19 And almost 60pc said children with special educational needs are worse off since the introduction of the reforms .
20 The Sandinistas point out that many thousands of rebels are already back inside the country , and that their alleged attacks necessitated the ending of the ceasefire .
21 The Museo Cantonale d'Arte , Lugano , Switzerland , kicks off its 1992 exhibition programme with a selection of recent acquisitions from the collection of Dr Panza di Biumo ( many of whose pieces are now also in the Guggenheim , New York ) which began in the 1950s with the purchase of works by Tàpies and Fautrier .
22 In spurious Caledonian footie parlance , if The Cateran were a Willie Johnston sorta band — fiery , brilliant hot-heads with a tendency to put their foot in it — then The Joyriders are much more in the Alan Hansen mould : cool , confident on the ball and capable of supreme moments of inspiration .
23 In science , especially the hard sciences , the culprits are normally up against a robust professional consensus that defines excellence , originality , and the nature of evidence .
24 In addition , extra troops are also now in the Province in support of a specific operation to enhance the security and to improve the effectiveness of vehicle checkpoints in Fermanagh .
25 ‘ Its distinctive feature is the outer wall facing what was for some time the running lines of the railway , though these tracks are now wholly within the works area , the main lines passing on the other side of the canal .
26 Apartment rents in most major cities in the US are astronomical , and hotel costs are virtually out of the question .
27 In Leninakan , Armenia 's second-largest city until the earthquake struck , half the new buildings are still only at the foundation stage .
28 The other contributions are probably mostly of a somewhat facetious nature .
29 This is also good for fly life in the coming season , all those eggs are now safely under a protecting layer of water .
30 The Quay at Devizes is quite a bustle , the headless chickens are definitely in on the act here .
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