Example sentences of "[noun pl] are [adj] of [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The saxophones are capable of great agility .
2 Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that we are in the middle of the media silly-season , a time when papers and TV news bulletins are full of doom-laden Christmas tales .
3 Too many normal clubs are full of preoccupied people who spend the night wiggling their hips on the edge of the dancefloor , swigging beer and smoking endless cigs with a ‘ half bored , half I 'm beautiful ’ look on their faces .
4 At Liverpool clubs , the toilets are full of catsuited girls who look at you as if you 're rumoured to be a child molester .
5 While well pleased to have won the privilege of confronting Bath in the cup final , mid-table Quins are mindful of overall responsibilities to other clubs .
6 While spherulites are characteristic of crystalline polymers , they have also been observed to form in low molar mass compounds which are crystallized from highly viscous media .
7 Keynesians are critical of this policy , arguing that the uncertainty over interest rates , combined with a generally too restrictive monetary policy and a correspondingly too high average interest rate , is very damaging to business investment and hence long-term growth .
8 Groups are capable of great creativity , as in language and folksong , and even in the stimulus and support given to individual writers and thinkers .
9 The horse 's ears are capable of great movement , almost 180° rotation , and are usually directed at the object of the horse 's attention .
10 All supplement manufacturers are aware of this problem and should take steps of avoid contamination .
11 But the higher animals are capable of considerable flexibility in adjusting their behaviour to widely differing ( and continuously changing ) circumstances , where the relevant ‘ parameters ’ are structural features , rather than physical ones ( such as angle-of-approach ) .
12 Since the role of subjective risk is of particular importance in theories of driving , one part of this question is simply whether drivers are aware of subjective risk , either as a feeling which is occasionally present in immediately dangerous situations but otherwise non-existent ( consistent with a zero-risk theory of driving ) or as a continually fluctuating level which they can be aware of when questioned and which they attempt to match to some target level ( consistent with RHT ) .
13 Rather , in these days when computers are capable of most things , and electronic safeguards have become commonplace in even the steadfastly-traditional confines of Wimbledon , the Jockey Club 's time would be better spent discussing innovations that would make the 1994 Grand National , and all its successors , worthy of the event .
14 It is also a cliche that computers are incapable of creative thought — in other words , imagination .
15 Although high serum cholesterol concentrations are predictive of coronary heart disease , controversy exists as to the relation between serum cholesterol and colorectal carcinoma .
16 Conventional histories of penology tend to represent these developments in penal thought and practice as rational , progressive , scientific and humane ; Marxists are sceptical of such claims and see the furtherance of class interests as of prime importance .
17 BUT EVEN allowing for their rise in public stature , Leeds ' artful loons are wary of any form of bandwagon jumping .
18 BUT EVEN allowing for their rise in public stature , Leeds ' artful loons are wary of any form of bandwagon jumping .
19 Their homes are full of all manner of possessions .
20 Their books are full of female breadwinners and New Men changing nappies and comforting bawling babies in the small hours .
21 The books are full of good examples .
22 We think that physics is complicated because it is hard for us to understand , and because physics books are full of difficult mathematics .
23 If we do n't learn how to handle that particularly well , we wo n't , but I think we should assure reassure parents that schools are full of good disciplinarians and that , democracy or no democracy , classrooms are in control .
24 Moreover , their parents are supportive of modern language , not only in theory , but also in practice , and they wish their children to have access to the modern language curriculum .
25 Most gliding instructors are aware of these problems and watch out for them in their students .
26 It is obviously crucial that all instructors are aware of any student who has this problem , since it is so easy to be caught out , like I was .
27 Developing countries are suspicious of any restrictions or " code of conduct " that would allow wealthy nations to direct their resources .
28 Ribbed quadripartite vaults are characteristic of this period , narrow , pointed arched windows arranged singly or in groups of three or five lancets , slenderer towers generally capped by spires , larger windows and stronger abutment .
29 Sculpted lines and rounded headlights are reminiscent of illustrious E-type
30 The many theories which concern themselves exclusively with needs of shareholders in public limited companies are typical of this approach .
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