Example sentences of "[noun pl] for [art] [noun sg] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 So situations are reviewed and we do look at monitored traffic flows for example , we do look at our justifications and if there are reasons for a change we can go back , so it 's not irreversible by any means , that is the current committed preferred route however and I did n't want to give an indication that by changing the diagram we were saying everything 's opened up again , cos clearly we 've reached a stage that the County Council 's declared it 's a preferred route and that 's
2 Plans for a by-pass which would have crossed Lugg meadows were scuppered by a public inquiry .
3 Australian Mutual Provident executives were yesterday believed to be mounting plans for a takeover which could be one of the largest acquisitions made in the British life insurer sector .
4 I 've been making sketches for a painting I shall do when I 'm free .
5 If you ever have to write the rules for a game you will be amazed how rules which seem absolutely clear to you can be interpreted — quite justifiably — in a totally different way by highly intelligent people .
6 Where a firm enters into speculative trades for a customer it would be well advised to document any evidence that the customer has the financial ability to absorb any losses which he may incur without undue detriment to his standard of living .
7 It is true his poems seem the products of a constricted emotional experience and that he appears to have drawn rather heavily on books for the heat he could not derive from life .
8 Several alumni have asked how they can make provision in their wills for a bequest which will help future students at Birmingham .
9 Mr Trippier was one of a number of European government ministers who attended the conference and spoke of their committment to compensate developing countries for the expense they would have to entail in order to avoid adding to an ecological disaster that has been created by industrialised states .
10 We usually gained our ends by astute and almost instinctive creation of alliances , for which we provided leadership , and small but professional military forces that were sought by friends and feared by foes for the impact they could make upon contemporary balances of power .
11 Bonnie Prince Charlie had a price of thirty thousand pounds on his head when he was being ferried hither and yon across many isles and sea-lochs of the Hebrides , and yet , and yet — the people of the west , such as Flora Macdonald and Malcolm Macleod of Raasay , risked their lives for a man they must have known in their hearts was a lost cause .
12 PARENTS were yesterday warned to check car baby seats for a fault which could prove fatal .
13 Although IBM , Apple and Motorola have a forged an agreement for the duration of their project , there remain obvious legal implications for a vendor who might want to stick say Sun Sparc and MIPS RISC instruction sets on to a single piece of silicon .
14 Bring ideas for a room you would like to decorate — full instructions on what you need for this will be sent with your booking form .
15 In considering priorities for the future it would be sensible to assume a substantial increase in welfare need combined with a decrease in government support .
16 If you are silly enough to categorize all your faults for the interviewer you will surely already have shown yourself as unsuitable for the job in many other ways .
17 The flat rate addition is not a rate of VAT , it merely compensates farmers for the VAT they can not reclaim on business purchases , as they are not VAT-registered .
18 And now , my dear Sir , having said this much on behalf of this deserving Youth , I must beg to assure you that however zealous my wish to be the means of serving him and his poor Mother , I do not wish , on that account , to influence you — Quite the contrary — I know that in similar cases , your benevolent views have been disappointed , and , perhaps , you have consequently made arrangements for the Future which may render it ineligible to take any youth in the same way as proposed to his Brother — even if you have at present — or are likely in course of a year or two — to have a vacancy .
19 I looked up to the skies for no reason I can now remember , probably a spot of rain or a ray of sunshine .
20 Clubs do n't like citing other clubs ’ players for the ill-feeling it can cause .
21 Bunkered behind the green , he then got up and down in two with one of the firmest six-foot putts for a title I can recall .
22 It is hoped to enrol 28 members for the class which would make it possible to make the fee for the term £5 per person .
23 The Common Cause , reporting a case of the wrongful arrest of a woman for alleged prostitution , commented that the suspect was ‘ taken to a man 's court , tried and sentenced by men under men 's laws for a fault she can not commit alone ’ .
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