Example sentences of "[noun pl] is [that] [pron] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The only difference between railways and the other utilities is that they are precieved to be costing the exchequer money , not providing revenue to it .
2 There are to be no statutory ombudsmen or ombudswomen to represent the consumer , despite the Government 's admission in their document entitled ’ Citizens Charter Implications for the Regulators of Privatised Utilities ’ : ’ The principal advantage of introducing ombudsmen for each of the utilities is that they are seen by the public to be impartial and independent of all parties . ’
3 What it means for the homes is that they 're going to have to take a what we 've been doing over the last two or three years is gradually improving the staffing levels in our elderly people 's homes , because the dependency levels in those homes are getting very high .
4 One explanation for this unbridled production of HBV proteins is that it is fostered by concurrent mediations , including glucocorticoids and cyclosporin .
5 Another advantage of professional-style camcorders is that they are built longer in the body so that they can he supported on the shoulder — the operator 's hands are then left to steady the front end and operate the controls .
6 Another reason for selecting Greer 's books is that they are used in almost all of the ILEA schools which do not use the Authority 's SMILE project and in many secondary schools nationally .
7 The defence of the format of these books is that they were written as part of a struggle .
8 The overwhelming impression of the participants is that they are investigating the way things are .
9 One of the main problems with solar panels is that they are wired in series .
10 One of the great problems is that we are trained to think in lists — packing lists , shopping lists , lists of tasks to complete today …
11 The problem with the conclusions in both sets of experiments is that they are based on the assumption that we can infer when an experience occurs from a subject 's verbal report .
12 What I find fascinating about these eight pages is that they are sustained by rage — by a controlled yet immense rage against a government which could allow its veterans to die — and that Hemingway has the skill to let his anger unroll , rather like one of the giant waves caused by the hurricane , until his readers are held afloat upon it .
13 In fact , the dilemma of any national state in cultural terms is that it is charged with defending cultural patrimony within a world market over which it exercises little control .
14 This shows that one of the major factors that distinguishes the films of motorways and bends in roads from those of junctions is that they were rated as having less to see in them .
15 Yet the claim of the bureaucrats is that they are working in a dispassionate general , even national , interest ; working for the good of all society .
16 The good news I hear from feminist friends is that it 's becoming old hat these days to involve the father in childbirth .
17 The saving grace for both developments is that they are creating jobs which are needed in the area .
18 The problem with these diseases is that they are diagnosed on the basis of indirect evidence of infection rather than by identifying a specific microorganism .
19 ‘ A unique feature of our Video Courses is that they are designed to tell a picture-story and we feel this is why Arune was able to learn so quickly .
20 The greatest of his achievements is that he is working here .
21 Another difference between the characterization of Alison and that of the three men is that she is seen totally from the outside — one sees her appearance in her face and her clothes ; we see what actions she does .
22 One particular problem for prospective purchasers is that they are obliged , prior to the auction , to undertake a full and complete site investigation , including searches through a solicitor , at their own expense .
23 Part of the problem that we got back to when we looked over the issues is that what 's happening in the private sector is not just that it 's growing but that it 's very much in an unplanned fashion .
24 Chrissie is relatively young and inexperienced , and while she may be a hardened liar and criminal , we feel the balance of the probabilities is that she is telling the truth .
25 Over the years , I have seen so many private gardens and advised so many gardeners on labour-saving tools and equipment , and what comes through loud and clear is that the biggest problem facing gardeners is that they are caught in the trap between growing all they would like to grow , doing all they want to do and having the lime to do it .
26 ‘ The fundamental problem with state-owned industries is that they are rationed of capital .
27 The main reason our children try drugs is that they 're searching for pleasure , and the main reason they carry on is that they 've found it .
28 oh I came , came to several conclusions , erm , one , one of the problems that the article faced me with , if it had been a simple outburst , if , if the , the Daily Telegraph had simply taken an advert out as opposed to maybe editorials then I may of had less a problem , because the problem with editorials is that they are believed , companies adverts are n't believed , well they 're partially believed , but an editorial carries a lot more weight and therefore when it 's written like that it tends to strike home much harder , therefore that , my immediate thoughts were that if were going to react , if we were going to find a way of cantering the problems we felt this had created , then we would not have to follow any normal course of action , we simply could n't put an advert out because nobody would have believed it , we would have to look at it a different way of actually cantering and that 's part of the reason for the time taking to think it through .
29 The first we hear about his steam engines is that one was erected near Dudley Castle in the Black Country area of the Midlands in 1712 .
30 Perhaps the most fundamental characteristic of financial reports is that they are produced by management , they report on management but they are addressed to owners and others external to the reporting organization .
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