Example sentences of "[noun pl] it was [adv] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Under such circumstances it was normally assumed that , although the Monarch would probably seek advice in order to discover what persons would be acceptable to the party in power , yet for the final choice she alone was morally and constitutionally responsible .
2 For in accepting that age and , more importantly , insanity could influence the degree of individuals ' responsibility for their actions it was also accepting that in some cases , and to some extent at least , human actions could be seen as determined .
3 The polemical and ideological edge to this debate must be borne in mind : not all those engaged in it were in favour of increased public spending , due to fears about its effects on investment and on incentives ; and in some quarters it was passionately felt that the ageing of society was socially , economically , and even politically undesirable ( Thane forthcoming ) , and hence that its dangers should be emphasized .
4 In order to increase it 's market share and to build exciting long term business prospects it was quickly realised that Noble Metals would have to provide more value to it 's customers that their competitors .
5 In the Middle Ages it was generally accepted that women 's ears turned men on to the same extent as the more obvious feminine attributes ; that is why so may medieval headdresses ensured that women 's ears were discreetly covered .
6 As well as these apprehensions it was also considered that the extension and development of the social services was more in keeping with collectivist principles and would not restrict benefit to families with children .
7 People who claimed that they generally did not dream , when woken from REM sleep , did in fact report dreams , but they were particularly prone to forgetting them — if woken after the REM period was over , they recalled even fewer instances of dreaming than those who claimed regularly to recall dreams in the morning.6 In another study generally confirming these findings it was also noticed that " non-dreamers " tended to report that they were awake and thinking when woken from REM sleep .
8 After just twelve days of the hearings it was dramatically announced that the first parts for Hinkley C had already been ordered .
9 They set to work cutting down trees and brushwood , far and near , to drag up to the terrace , to fill in the ditches — or at least , the two outer ones , for when they came to the inner ones it was promptly demonstrated that they were within range of the defending cannon .
10 But in yesterday 's papers it was widely claimed that friends of the Prince of Wales are behind a campaign of vilification .
11 Although the Commission was assigned additional police officers to assist in its inquiries it was clearly implied that they were not to be used for investigating covert intelligence activities .
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