Example sentences of "[noun pl] it have [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the old days it had all seemed worth it — she 'd enjoyed filling stockings and wading through a carpet of toys and dressing the tree and singing carols when they were little .
2 Coopers & Lybrand 's insolvency team has analysed the reasons for the many unnecessary corporate failures it has recently dealt with .
3 If there is a specific negotiating target , such as China 's adherence to agreements it has already signed on missile sales , or its help in enforcing the nuclear non-proliferation treaty , then the use of targeted trade sanctions can be effective .
4 Guarded by a collective representation in which theft and violence reside in a dangerous class , morally elevated by its correctional quest , the state achieves the legitimacy of its pacific intention and the acceptance of legality — even when it goes to war and massively perpetuates activities it has allegedly banned from the world .
5 ‘ And at times it has almost seemed as if everyone has had something to say about me , and it has often been those people who have never read The Satanic Verses who have had the most to say .
6 IntelliCorp claims it holds patents it has yet to press on the mapping of relational databases to object database among other seminal items .
7 This approach has found that in close-knit , working-class urban and rural peasant communities ( the types it has usually studied to date ) , an individual 's use of nonstandard forms correlates well with their degree of integration into the community or ‘ network strength ’ .
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