Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [pers pn] can not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Denounced ‘ designer violence ’ on TV , warning programme-makers that they can not avoid the issue by raising the bogey of censorship .
2 One possible answer is to say that God chose the initial configuration of the universe for reasons that we can not hope to understand .
3 ‘ For reasons that I can not understand , ’ he continued , ‘ we in Britain seem to have a negative response to winners .
4 Do you have a rota system where if maybe six have got onto an appliance and there 's another fire comes up in a few hours that they can not turn ut again , or is it just a matter of whoever gets there first again ?
5 But at least in the midst of my misery I can own what I have instead of feeling I am a pawn in another 's game with rules that I can not stick to or change .
6 Any people who have ever suffered from itches that they can not scratch will sympathize with the dilemma of the de-clawed cat .
7 Some children brought up in institutions are so damaged by these experiences that they can not live in a family where they have to respond to others ' feelings and may escape into work in an institutional setting .
8 We have a God who longs to answer prayer ; a God who listens to our words and answers them ; a God who knows our thoughts and answers the prayers that we can not express in words ; a God whose ability to answer prayer is not limited by the finite , but who can do infinitely more abundantly above all that we can ask for or think of asking .
9 Why is it , then , that so many of our constituents are coming to advice surgeries about bills that they can not afford to pay ?
10 There are alw there are always applications that you can not robotize .
11 We will of course be in the middle of a natural seasonal shortage but I am advising finishers that they can not afford to ignore current prices and I think that a reasonable flow of cattle will still come forward , ’ he said .
12 of places that they can not fill because miners have already been moved there from other pits .
13 It was just one of those things that you can not explain .
14 What we think of in simple terms as electricity is related to the creative forces in the universe in ways that we can not imagine .
15 This is important , because it is sometimes given as an objection to attitude theories that they can not make sense of subordinate ethical clauses .
16 Secondly , I am impressed by the way in which my right hon. Friends have negotiated so positively on some aspects of the treaties , while at the same time drawing the line so firmly with our European partners on those parts of the treaties that we can not accept .
17 When these hatch , the young ants serve their captors , collecting food and feeding it to them , for the slave-makers have such large jaws that they can not feed themselves .
18 The kings ( or rather , queens ) of slave-owners are the Amazon ants , who are splendid at killing and enslaving other ants but have grown so dependent on their slaves that they can not dig their own nests , care for their young or even get their own food .
19 The old have to accept changes in patterns of living and cultural standards that they can not understand , and cope with rejection by the younger generations , as well as a good deal of sentimentality and shallow stereotyping in private and public references to themselves .
20 Perhaps it is because , though we can consciously trace the outline of the fear , it 68 CREATIVE WRITING reaches so far into the hidden recesses of our minds that we can not control the involuntary response .
21 Rather , it has abenefited from focussing on what it does best , and has learned from past mistakes that it can not charge a premium on its products — ‘ if you live by price , you die by price , ’ Street believes .
22 We are ill-equipped to comprehend the very small and the very large ; things whose duration is measured in picoseconds or gigayears ; particles that do n't have position ; forces and fields that we can not see or touch , which we know of only because they affect things that we can see or touch .
23 There are realities that I can not change .
24 Compaq 's success in Japan could be marred only by reports that it can not produce enough to meet new demand in Japan — a major industrial company has been unable to get the high-end computer-aided design workstation machine it ordered for around three months now , and hears that the plants are focussed on producing low-cost hardware rather than high-performance models .
25 What , then , of the arguments of the sceptics that we can not claim knowledge about reality ?
26 Streamline 's method offers such a wide range of activities and tasks that I can not see it having anything other than effective and long-lasting results . ’
27 This word can convey several meanings but one of them expresses an inner state of mind so torn between various options that it can not make up its mind .
28 Certainly , they could not have studied the group if they had been honest about themselves , but perhaps that just means that there are some social contexts that we can not study .
29 However unlikely it is that American public figures would sue in Britain to vindicate reputations that they can not protect in their own country , the risk must still be weighed .
30 Any intellectual challenge is removed on the grounds that they can not handle it , and so all edge , all interest , is gone .
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