Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [pers pn] has [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Will he give an assurance that he will sustain the generous funding of Northern Arts that he has managed in the past few years ?
2 The legitimate questions for a judge in his role as interpreter of the enacted law are : ‘ How has Parliament , by the words that it has used in the statute to express its intentions , defined the category of acts that are entitled to the immunity ?
3 I not only listened to the hon. Gentleman 's arguments tonight , but I have read the other speeches that he has made throughout the passage of the Bill .
4 To maintain the advances that it has made in the last few years , Unix needs not only a ‘ viable ’ desktop environment , argues UI , but an attractively sized market for developers to aim at .
5 The company should then use the segments that it has defined as targets against which products may be positioned .
6 Indeed , according to Booth , it is only in the last couple of years that it has focused on product marketing .
7 The Thatcher administration , on the other hand , ‘ do not believe that the community as a whole should continue to pay for all sorts of things that it has paid for in the past …
8 I have used some of the things that he has done as a good example to myself .
9 Or by a robin quite determinedly attacking a bundle of red feathers that it has mistaken as an invader to its territory while ignoring an adjacent and perfectly good-looking stuffed robin , but lacking the all-important red feather flash .
10 Does my hon. Friend agree that in constituencies such as mine in the south-east there are problems in providing houses for those most in need and I welcome the additional figures that he has announced for housing associations ?
11 Does the right hon. Gentleman recognise that the figures that he has announced for training and education will go nowhere near far enough to fill the skills gap ?
12 It can take a long time for a woman to rid herself of the automatic assumptions that she has absorbed about home-making , and learn to fashion an approach which suits her and her family .
13 Whatever the outcome of that gesture , I hope that he will be reinforced and fortified by the knowledge that the whole House recognises the formidable qualities that he has brought to one of the most taxing posts in Government .
14 From her work as a professional painter and teacher she passes on the many tips , secrets and techniques that she has learned over the years and shows how gardens , with their immense variety and colour , can provide the artist with endless ideas .
15 Each department acts as if it is the purchaser of another department 's production and then ‘ sells ’ on materials that it has processed for the next stage of production .
16 How does this particular religious tradition shape up at the end of the twentieth century , particularly in the context of those challenges that it has faced over the last hundred and fifty years from movements in secular thought like Darwinism , Marxism and Positivism ?
17 I have seen the results that he has achieved on fishing , and I am disgusted by them — I hope that they do not set a precedent .
18 Is the Minister aware that due to the cuts that he has imposed on Northumberland county council
19 I note that his question was as full of ideological claptrap as all the others that he has asked during his career in the House .
20 This remarkable young man is now so keen to share his new-found sagacity with others that he has taken to signing autographs , ‘ Safe sex , from Christian Slater ’ .
21 Yet the obstacles that it has run into make it probable that even it will miss the end-1992 deadline .
22 We have seen the bloodcurdling letters that he has sent to electors about what may happen if Labour is returned .
23 Nevertheless , the forms which nationalism has assumed , and the political regimes that it has brought into existence , are extremely diverse .
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