Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [pers pn] [vb mod] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And I know so many songs that it would be fun to go out there and say , ‘ Hey , man , do you remember this one ? ’ or , ‘ Here 's one you have n't heard in a long time . ' ’
2 Every social , political , and box-office consideration suggested to the showmen that it would be unsatisfactory for the movies to remain a merely sectional entertainment .
3 However the letter should be construed as a commitment by the United States to each of the parties that they should be able to rely upon , and be able to demand , compliance .
4 In contrast , the government 's two senior legal advisers and the senior partner of a leading firm of society lawyers were so ignorant of this fact that it did not even enter their heads that it would be wise to make some enquiries before launching their client into a statement that could be , and indeed was , ruinous .
5 Books that you will be proud to display in your home — forever !
6 Can I say that I hope Mr or or whoever writes for the County Council would n't use the form of words , but erm although I am instructed by my clients that they would be satisfied with the change to a single triangle , erm I do n't think that they would be satisfied if you in making that change , you accompanied by a form of words which said the County Council are still committed to building an outer .
7 The memorandum was widely seen as a victory for the Chinese side in the negotiations , with the UK effectively agreeing to Chinese demands that it should be able to set its own terms for the size and financing of the project .
8 And I have grave doubts that I will be able to endure it for long after this … débâcle … this hideousness . ’
9 Now I personally felt that it would be quite inhumane to deal with someone who was somewhere near the magic 60 cut-off , for reasons that it would be impossible to examine with any clarity the reasons for this change of heart , and the strong will that he had shown during his previous operational record .
10 Controlling activities arc so closely linked to Planning and Decision-making activities that it would be advisable to study the next two chapters in conjunction with Chapters 16 and 17 .
11 However , on the facts of Lim 's case the House of Lords upheld the decision of the lower courts that it would be possible to obtain the required facilities outside the National Health Service and that it was reasonable to incur that expense .
12 The story of the sunken village under Semer Water has been repeated so many times that it may be pointless me telling the story once again , yet there may be some of you who wo n't have heard it , so if you 're sitting comfortably , I 'll begin .
13 In the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries this cursive italic style gained ground as an alternative to secretary , although as Hector says ( op cit ) , ‘ By 1600 it was being written with such magnificent disregard of any calligraphical rules that it might be illegible to the writer 's contemporaries and compatriots . ’
14 Bisset , using a description of Taking the Side of the Other as a justification for the tactic , concluded that ‘ there are states of society in which it would be proper to contract the very opinions that it would be right to cherish in other circumstances ’ ( Bisset , 1800 : 269 ) .
15 Dent is so refreshingly different from the city environments of most of the visitors that it would be churlish to deny them this glimpse of a way of life that belongs to history .
16 Much higher quality than the bioprinting rollers that we may be used to using .
17 My godmother — Helen — has given us such good premises and so many other advantages that it would be foolish to give in just because we have a bit of opposition . ’
18 Then at Angers he did homage to his father , swearing on the Gospels that he would be faithful to him against all men .
19 But we need to know a lot more about for example his housing costs , his rent and rate rebates that he may be entitled to and so on , before we can really say erm that we can make a proper comparison erm and different countries have different priorities .
20 The ideas are limitless and it is up to you to spare a few moments when on holiday to notice what is growing around you and press some interesting pieces that you will be able to use on your return .
21 A few says later the Shah sought assurances from the US Embassy that he was still welcome in the United States cabled Rabat to say , " we assured the Shah publicly as well as in private messages that he would be welcome in the US should he choose to go there , and that there should be bo doubt whatsoever as to our willingness to receive ( him ) and provide him with appropriate protection " .
22 He was pleasant enough in general , though most people who met him formed the vaguest of ideas that he might be dangerous in some unspecified way .
23 Certainly the third and fourth sessions approved of texts and ideas that it would be hard to imagine would have appealed to many of the bishops before the Council began .
24 In 1848 an experienced mines inspector and engineer could write in A Treatise on the Winning and Working of Collieries : ‘ Explosions of gas have unfortunately become so numerous in late years that it would be impossible in the absence of specific records to enumerate them . ’
25 Below are some rather more typical questions that you should be prepared to encounter .
26 However , there are predictions that he will be able to announce a lower out-turn on borrowing this year than the £7 billion forecast .
27 because there are fears that they will be detrimental .
28 There is a strong feeling against opening a special clinic in the city of Luxembourg itself , because of fears that it would be difficult to preserve anonymity .
29 On the conservative side yesterday there were largely unspoken fears that it will be difficult for the new government to impose its discipline on 450 or so deputies , many of whom may be tempted to form separate parliamentary groups .
30 The Bill gives the Secretary of State wide-ranging new powers , relating not only to capping but to the vast number of orders and regulations that he will be able to issue , and even to the grants that will be given to London 's voluntary organisations .
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