Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [vb mod] be [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 Thirdly , it includes most aspects of the study of principles of language usage , for there seems to be a general principle of the following kind : for each systematic set of constraints on the use of language , there will be a corresponding set of inference-procedures that will be applied to language understanding ( see Levinson , 1979a ) .
2 It is conformally flat everywhere except at the boundaries of the interaction region where there are impulsive gravitational waves that may be considered to be generated by the collision .
3 Fortunately there are a number of useful guidelines that can be applied to both the systems on offer and the facilities you need .
4 At any one time , though , there are a number of relationships that may be said to be in a constitutional haze .
5 Now , at Pac Bo , under Ho 's chairmanship , the Party cleared its ideological decks and prepared to take advantage of the even more extraordinary opportunities that would be presented to it by the Second World War .
6 I have drawn attention to the immense quantity , the rich variety , the problems posed by its retention , the difficulties with its analysis , and the opportunities that might be offered to future historians by contemporary electronic information resources .
7 There are other accessories you can use to increase the impact of the picture , including cords , tassels and ribbons that could be added to pictures when they are hung on the wall .
8 Fourth , there is a general duty to report on matters arising from the accounts that should be brought to the attention of the council and the public .
9 The user also needs to know the operations that can be applied to the relations so as to carry out the desired retrievals .
10 And we are encouraging managers to be sympathetic to the sudden disruption of working hours that can be caused to a parent of either sex responsible for children .
11 There is a range of possible meanings that might be attached to these rather ambiguous words ; but , if no mortal man could be the doorway into the Lord 's sheepfold , it would scarcely matter from whom the bishop received the emblems of his office : the reality could come only from Christ .
12 There is an overload of sounds , of images , of words to the point at which a number of these cultural goods can not be found meanings that can be attached to them ( Ratcliff 1985 ) .
13 Note 1 : The ‘ number of channels ’ specifies the number of analogue inputs that may be connected to the ADC chip .
14 Penn , Topham , Burgess and Benezek were asked to deal with any proposals that might be made to the committee regarding a building that would be suitable as a hospital , and Messrs Shepperson and Reynolds of Oxford Street were appointed ( for what immediate purpose is not clear ) booksellers and stationers to the institution .
15 There are numerous improvements that can be made to the system .
16 Indeed , they are able to predict the zero-density frequency to a precision of 4 x 10 -14 ; from the present data , and they outline several improvements that can be made to the present apparatus , which already has a stability better than many primary caesium standards .
17 Features include four hundred icon designs and fifty animated icons that can be added to DOS and Windows applications .
18 Features include four hundred icon designs and fifty animated icons that can be added to DOS and Windows applications .
19 Chambers and Trudgill ( 1980 : 90 ) note that it is ‘ not possible to set up done as any kind of linguistic variable , since it is not a form which is involved in alternation with other forms that could be considered to be ‘ equivalent ways of doing or saying the same thing ’ ' .
20 Groups that may be related to the eldoniids include rotadiscids , paropsonemids and Velumbrella .
21 The mountain goat 's ancestry , as a member of the Bovid family , gave it a good start : it gave the animal the means of subsisting on the poor mountain vegetation , and it provided it with feet that could be adapted to moving around in the precipitous terrain .
22 Quite a lot ; but two main areas that should be left to a builder will be all structural work to the roof , such as forming the dormer windows , and alterations to the rafters ; and supplying and fixing the additional staircase , which must be correctly fitted and properly secured .
23 He was also intrigued by the breed 's ability to breed all year round , and to drop rangy lambs that could be taken to 18kg with little risk of over-fatness .
24 These schemes are regarded as models that should be extended to those whose disability is congenital or arises out of non-industrial disease or accident , for whom cover , though recently improved , is still only partial .
25 ‘ This is difficult to prove , and most archaeologists appear to be totally blind to the advantages that can be accorded to them through the effective and proper use of the metal detector ’ .
26 Detail any limitations that can be identified to the planning and control process through this comparison .
27 For the majority of the SSAPs , however , it is possible to identify elements that could be said to be relevant .
28 Fragment VII , comprising the Shipman 's , the Prioress 's , " Chaucer 's " , the Monk 's and the Nun 's Priest 's Tales , can be seen as a group of consistently recalcitrant texts : texts which somehow contradict the expectations that may be brought to them , either in the light of the genre to which the tales belong or in the light of the character of the teller as we might suppose we know it before the tale is told .
29 More than 20 developers from Sun 's technical staff are teaming with Oracle developers to enhance and localise the Oracle Applications products , as well as associated technologies to improve the efficiency of Sun 's worldwide manufacturing operations , implement the integration of Sun 's Open Look graphical user interface with all components of Oracle 's product suite , and optimise Oracle7 for Sun 's new multiprocessor servers and produce applications that can be sold to Sun 's customers as well .
30 It is true , certainly , that feeling good for no particular reason , and the sensation of warmth , do not involve objects or contents that can be said to be determinate in a certain sense .
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