Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [vb past] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It came and went in swirling waves that rushed down from the ceiling and swallowed her up .
2 He tried asking her about herself , but she had a knack of averting his questions with an apparently bashful stammer , looking at him with kohl-lined eyes that rolled around like the globules in a bricklayer 's balance .
3 In one of them he found a collection of cheque stubs and account books that went back to the 1940s .
4 I hurried down steep Flower Hill , a flowerless road of grey terraced houses and shops that led down to the bridge and the weir .
5 How could she be expected to cope with stupid computers that had n't the wit to understand a simple error , or calculators that came up with the wrong numbers ?
6 The barges used to come down the Leeds and Liverpool canal right down to Tate and Lyle 's , where they had chutes that came down from the building into the barges and the coal was sucked up because the coal was very fine ; and the poor people there — they 'd be on the other side of the canal and one would perhaps get on a barge and throw two or three pieces of coal and then scamper up .
7 Scientists have studied how the cloud of electrons , protons and neutrons that came out of the big bang would have coalesced to make nuclei and atoms ; their studies correctly predict the proportion of various chemical elements in the universe .
8 It was one of the schools that came out of the Reformation , for it was founded during the reign of Queen Mary by a landowner who sat for Derbyshire in Parliament .
9 Michele lifted out Luce 's bag , passed her the crutch , and , having handed over the car keys , led her through the crush of people and vehicles to the steps that ran down to the Grand Canal .
10 Hosanna padded down from the steps that led up to the patio door and sat beside her , lifting his right paw and placing it on her thigh .
11 But his secretiveness extended to not even telling them that , and they had to be content to accompany him as he turned left at the foot of the steps that led up to the station entrance and headed for the quays .
12 Ben stood before the shallow flight of steps that led up to the main entrance , his head tilted back as he studied the frontage .
13 He brushed dust from his sleeve and headed towards the flight of stone steps that led up to the embankment .
14 She paid the taxi-driver and walked briskly towards the main entrance of the building , slowing her pace as she reached the flight of broad stone steps that led up to the doors .
15 When they stopped , in blackness and silence , before the steps that led up to the kitchen door , the only door anyone ever used at Trelorne , Murphy wanted to accompany her inside .
16 It was rapping in my back as I was pushed past Roger Beeding and Roger de Mornay and closer and closer to the eight steps that led up to the low wooden platform on which was the gigantic cross and the large black-and-white photograph of Rose Fox .
17 The path ended at the wide stone steps that led up to the main entrance of the lodge .
18 It had backed up against the patio , completely concealing the ornate wall and steps that led down onto the gravelled walks .
19 For at that moment , directly below the steps that led down to the Moebius Strip , the float of dummy Capellans was purring serenely by .
20 Luke Travis was standing at the top of the short flight of stone steps that led down to the garden .
21 She blinked as they emerged into blinding brightness and searing heat , and paused to fumble for her sunglasses before they descended the broad flight of steps that led down to the canal .
22 The cave was several hundred yards across and just as high , dimly lit by lamps that stretched down from the indistinct ceiling on impossibly long cables .
23 From where she stood , working access to the most inner room had been via remote control arms and full-sized plastic window-suits set in the wall with their own flexi-corridors that stretched out behind the deeper the technician moved into the room .
24 Millions of old people joined the Townsend Clubs that sprang up across the nation .
25 The musical forms that emerged out of the American black experience — gospel , blues , jazz initially ; soul , funk , rock'n'roll , R&B , reggae , rap , House eventually — went on to become the dominant repertoire of popular music throughout the world , no matter how watered down .
26 Australia 's captain Phil Kearns is a confirmed fan , revealing : ‘ We talked about no shoving in the front row before the kick-off , but after five minutes that went out of the window .
27 They all rave about Muddy , Charlie Patton and Son House — singers that came out of the same patch in Coahoma County — but they turn all reticent and confused when it comes to the act that 's outlived and outsold them all .
28 Of all the German patriotic associations that sprang up along the eastern borders in the 1890s it was the Ostmarkenverein , the Eastern Marches Society founded in 1894 , that was to have the most profound impact on German border society .
29 He also had to watch out for the bears that pounced on you if you stepped on the lines in the pavement , and the killer bats that hung upside down in the shadows under the roof of the railway arch , and the rats that came out of the cracks in the brickwork and infected you with their deadly diseases simply by breathing out into the same air that you breathed in .
30 Encouraging them were the new links between British and American film companies that grew out of the quota legislation .
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