Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [verb] [verb] [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 The terrible bitterness against his parents that had led to his writing a book meant to shock them had faded into indifference ; yet there lingered in him an understandable vindictiveness .
2 Short trousers , grubby knees , odd socks , and a pair of indescribable shoes that had belonged to his elder brother , completed the picture of a happy child , unlikely to be able to spell simple words like ‘ class ’ for a very long time .
3 When the gardener went to sleep , the bear would sit beside him devotedly and chase away the flies that tried to settle on his face .
4 He was n't just pontificating , he was n't just starting out things he thought about , he and and , ideas that had come into his head , he spoke as one who had authority and because of that they heard him .
5 Coroner John Leckey , extending his sympathy to the Phillips family , said many of the questions that had sprung to his mind about the case had been answered .
6 I only look towards someone like Dylan because I see the things that have happened in his career and the conclusions he 's come to and the way he 's responded to outside forces , the audience , the press … and I recognize a similarity to how I feel in my career .
7 Mr Fuchs 's champions say that he made no attempt to hide the financial problems that had arisen during his previous post when he was employed by The Hague .
8 After he had finished , he picked out the crumbs that had stuck in his beard .
9 Soon afterwards , however , Ellcock became the ‘ nearly man ’ again , entering hospital for further surgery to remove the screws that had snapped in his back , ruling him out for the rest of the summer and , ultimately , despite encouraging practice sessions with the England A party last winter , the immediate future .
10 And he 'd got lots of famous mates that want to play on his records , and he picks up a Grammy and releases records on scrupulous labels , instead of the 30 or more indie horsefixers he 's had the misfortune to deal with over the years .
11 Pretty soon , if you consider that the only gags he feels at home with are the ones that get stuffed in his mouth in the interest of his , er , research .
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