Example sentences of "[noun pl] for [v-ing] [conj] [pron] [is] " in BNC.

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1 They are reasons for holding that it is not binding .
2 September is one of my favourite months for walking as it 's invariably cooler — and wetter , it 's true ! — yet the days are still long and it 's easier to avoid the crowds .
3 NEARLY two out of five video owners find it difficult to programme their machines for recording because it is too complicated , says a Mintel market research report .
4 Traditionally , hill sheep farmers have sold store lambs to lowland farmers for fattening and it is the latter who should benefit from the variable premia .
5 No prizes for guessing that it is the refined sugary and starchy foods which cause this rebound hunger , and natural fibre-rich foods which do not .
6 ( d ) when , before an approach is made , the target is the subject of rumour and speculation or suffers an untoward movement in its share price and there are reasonable grounds for concluding that it is the potential bidder 's actions which have led to the situation .
7 In either case the officer must have reasonable grounds for believing that it is necessary to seize the evidence there and then to prevent it being destroyed .
8 These give us further grounds for thinking that there is some characteristic which is common to the postnominal attributives and to the predicative position of the adjective in a relative clause , but which is not found in the prenominal adjectives .
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