Example sentences of "[noun pl] in the [noun] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 There are now few areas in the world where the impact of the TNCs has not been researched by someone and good examples of this type of study are Kowaleski ( 1982 ) on the Caribbean , Onimode et al.
2 This is certainly true of Mrs Wood and Things Past & Present ; of Scott Anderson and the stamps ; of Arthur Crawford and the plants ; and of those who help at the winter work-parties in the cellars where the books are stored .
3 Britain must be one of the only countries in the world where the club members manhandle the two-seater gliders all the way out to the launch point .
4 The board , in refusing an application for a restaurant licence , took into account the number of public house licences in the locality where the public houses provided food .
5 There have been many periods in the past when the degree of concentration has been significantly large ( Table 4. 1 ) and when such degrees of concentration have generated calls for inquiries .
6 That night Maryann , the only person sleeping in Bathsheba 's house , was woken by strange noises in the field where the horses were kept .
7 There were new shelves in the alcove where the drinks table once stood .
8 Peering farther , beyond the ramparts , he could see the two longhouses in the Circle where the ‘ Wares of Bragad were billeted , but they held no sign of life .
9 ‘ The iron was rotten , ’ he said , pointing to the four places in the stone where the hinges had snapped sheer off .
10 There are few places in the world where the costs are higher than southern California .
11 Sunil has shown me places in the club where the members rarely go and where , therefore , it 's safe to read or write or sleep as long as you wear your uniform and can pretend to be doing something vaguely official if someone comes in .
12 ‘ There is light in all the windows of buildings in the areas where the demonstrations are under way .
13 Most of this garbage goes to landfill sites — massive holes in the ground where the rubbish is dumped and then covered with clay or top soil .
14 To assuage the criticism , the Basque government has said it will spend the equivalent of £16.2 million ( $28.35 million ) on urban projects in the area where the museum is going to be built .
15 This section permits sports clubs to have alternative permitted hours in the winter where the sport is played out of doors .
16 It is obvious , therefore , that to prevent noise entering your house , you need additional weight at the point of entry ; and to prevent the noise you make echoing around the house , you need soft linings in the room where the sounds are generated .
17 If we were lucky , there were a few minutes in the evening when the wind dropped , the dust storm subsided , and we could brave the mosquitoes and wash the corrosive dust from our bodies .
18 Accepting these abnormalities in the patient then the abnormality of the timing system that might be observed could take one of several forms .
19 The verbal instructions are important — they will act as reminders in the days following the lesson and help the pupil to inhibit his natural tendency to slip back into the old habits .
20 I used to look at them in awe , they were so generous and open There will be more American memorabilia in the summer when the new entrance ios officially opened … and the date for that , July 4 , American Independence Day .
21 Thailand , with one of the fastest growth rates in the world over the past 25 years , has also seen one of the most rapid declines in fertility , leading to better health and education for the country 's children .
22 There are several dings and dents in the body where the guitar has suffered the slings and arrows of a curious public .
23 And because many railway stations are built on the edge of town , the Lucas bus could drop passengers in the centre just the sort of vehicle that could be useful on branch lines — if there are any left by the time its development is complete .
24 In the worst case , if we had two adjacent maximum sets in the sequence then the parser would have to consider 223 * 223 = 49,729 possible word-pairs .
25 They have increasingly been applied by ordinary church members in the years following the Council .
26 Although TLV 's are not designed with nuisance , particularly odour nuisance in mind , adhering to the Health and Safety Executive Guidelines will prevent obnoxious odours in the workplace where the level at which the odour of a particular substance can be perceived , that is where its odour threshold detection value , is higher than its TLV .
27 Except at weekends in the summer when the crowds would come and spread themselves in an abundance of activity on the grass .
28 Just under £60m in cash is believed to have changed hands in the deal where the pub owning company Enterprise Inns , headed by Taunton Cider chairman Michael Cottrell , acquired the Bass outlets .
29 Whatever the existing shift pattern it will be possible to identify points in the day when the workload is predictably higher ; for example , parts of the morning or evening .
30 Marr ( 1982 ) and others have argued that there is , and that it is the fact that edges are associated points in the image where the intensity is changing most rapidly .
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